Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife


    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:16

    31 Oct 2015, 13:41

    Noted Deceased Scientists, Parapsychologists, Investigators & Researchers of
    Spiritualism and Psychic Phenomena

    David P. Abbott (1863-1934)  -  Magician, author, inventor. Author of 'Behind the Scenes with the Mediums', an exposure of the tricks used by mediums.

    Alexandr Nikolayevich Aksakov (1832-1903) - Psychic researcher.

    Hernani Guimarães Andrade (1913-2003) -  Founder of the Brazilian Institute for Psychobiophysical Research.

    Marcellus Seth Ayer (1839-1921) - Spiritualist & founder of the First Spiritual Temple.

    Benjamin Fish Austin (1850-1933) - Canadian educator, Methodist Minister & Spiritualist.

    John Logie Baird (1888-1946) - Scottish engineer, innovator & inventor of the first publicly demonstrated colour television system & first purely electronic colour television picture tube.

    Arthur James Balfour (1848-1930)  - British Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905. Spiritualist (best known for the "Palm Sunday Case").

    Gilbert Ballet (1853-1916) - French psychiatrist, neurologist and historian.

    Sir William Fletcher Barrett (1844-1925) - English physicist & parapsychologist.

    Raymond Bayless (1920-2004) - Researcher into phenomena of EVP.

    George Miller Beard (1839-1883) - American Neurologist. Author of 'The Psychology of Spiritism'.

    John Beloff (1920-2006) - Psychology Professor at Edinburgh University.  President of the SPR from 1974-1976.

    Hans Bender (1907-1991) - German Lecturer on the subject of Parapsychology. Researcher of ITC & EVP, poltergeists & clairvoyants.  Famous case 'The Rosenhem Poltergeist'.

    Henri-Louis Bergons (1859-1941) - French philosopher & writer. 

    Emile Boirac (1851-1917) - French Psychical & Paranormal Researcher, Writer & Philosopher.  One of a group that conducted experiments on the Italian medium Eusapia Palladino. He also investigated animal magnetism, & various hypnotic phenomena such as the induction of sleep, "transposition of senses", "magnetic rapport", "exteriorisation of sensitiveness", "exteriorisation of motor nerve force" etc.

    Frederick Bligh Bond  (1864-1945) - English architect, illustrator, archaeologist and psychical researcher.

    Philippe Bottazzi (1867-1941) - Professor of Physiology and Director of the Physiological Institute, University of Naples; held sittings with Eusapia Palladino in 1907.

    Ernesto Bozzano (1862-1943) - Italian Spiritualist, Psychical Researcher, Parapsychologist & Author.

    Robert Boursnell (1832-1909) - Spirit Photographer, Medium.

    Dr. James Braid (1795-1860) - Scottish surgeon and "gentleman scientist". Influential pioneer of hypnotism and hypnotherapy. Regarded by many as the first genuine "hypnotherapist" and the "Father of Modern Hypnotism".

    Sir David Brewster (1781-1868) - Scottish physicist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor, writer, historian of science and university principal.

    Charlie Dunbar Broad (1887-1971) - (C. D. Broad) English epistemologist, historian of philosophy, philosopher of science, moral philosopher, & writer on the philosophical aspects of psychical research.

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861) - English Poet and Spiritualist.

    Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) - Italian philosopher, mathematician, poet, and astrologer.

    Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899) - American physician & professor of physiology.  Proposed the terms Psychometry and Sarcognomy.

    Richard Maurice Bucke (1837-1902) - Canadian psychiatrist.  Best known work Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind.

    Hanna Buschbeck (1906-1984) - Pioneer in the research of Transcommunication(tape-recorded voices from the Beyond).

    Dr. William Benjamin Carpenter  (1813-1885) - English physician, invertebrate zoologist & physiologist.  Author of 'Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Etc: Historically and Scientifically Considered'.

    Hereward (Hubert Lavington) Carrington (1880-1958) - Psychical investigator & author.

    Raymond Cass (1921-1977) - UK pioneer in the work related to the phenomenon known as EVP ( Electronic Voice Phenomena). "I prefer the experimental approach rather than the endless debate and discussions about the subject!"

    Piero Cassoli (1911-2005) - Italian physician & parapsychologist.

    G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) - English writer, lay theologian, poet, philosopher.  Often referred to as the "prince of paradox".

    Sir William Crookes (1832-1919) - English chemist, physicist, meteorologist & researcher of psychical phenomena.

    Marie Curie (1867-1934) - Polish/French physicist & chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice. The Institut Général Psychologique of Paris carried on extensive experiments in 43 sittings from 1905 to 1907 with Marie & Pierre Curie among the investigators.

    Pierre Curie (1859-1906) - French Chemist, Physicist, Scientist.  He and his wife, Marie Curie, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, and the curie, a unit of radioactivity, was named after him.  The Curies regarded mediumistic séances as "scientific experiments" and took detailed notes. According to historian Anna Hurwic, they thought it possible to discover in spiritualism the source of an unknown energy that would reveal the secret of radioactivity.

    Bezerra de Menezes (1831-1900) - "The Brazilian Kardec"

    Albert De Rochas d'Aiglun (1837-1914) - French Parapsychologist & Paranormal Researcher. 

    Gastone De Boni (1908-1986) - Italian Paranormal Researcher

    Stanley de Brath (1854-1937) - British psychical researcher, author, & translator.  Editor of the journal 'Psychic Science'.

    John Dee (1527-1608) - British mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist and adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.

    Count Agenor de Gasparin (1810-1871) - French politician, minister plenipotentiary, and one of the first investigators of table-turning and telekinesis.

    Gabriel Delanne(1857-1926) - French Researcher, editor, author & Spiritualist.  Founder of French Spiritist Union.

    Professor August de Morgan (1806-1871) - English mathematician.  Author of 'From Matter To Spirit'.

    Leòn Denis (1846-1927) - French Paranormal Researcher, propagandist, teacher & author.

    Max Dessoir (1867-1947) - German philosopher, psychologist and theorist of aesthetics.

    George T. Dexter (1819-1863) - American physician & pioneering psychical researcher.

    Lord Hugh Dowding (1882-1970) - Air Chief Marshal of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command (RAF).  Spiritualist, author & researcher of psychic phenomena.

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - Author, Journalist, Doctor.  Author of 'Sherlock Holmes' series of books.

    Dr. Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch (1867-1941) - German embryologist and philosopher who was the last great spokesman for vitalism, the theory that 'life cannot be explained as physical or chemical phenomena'.

    Carl du Prel (1839-1899) - German Philosopher & Researcher into PSI and Psysical Phenomena.

    Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) - Physicist & Inventor.  In his lifetime he obtained 1,093 patents for his inventions in such fields as telegraphy, phonography, electric lighting and photography.

    John Worth Edmonds (1816-1874) - American lawyer & politician.   Judge Edmonds on Spiritualism

    Jan Ehrenwald (1900-1988) - Czech-American psychotherapist, psychiatrist, parapsychologist & author.

    Albert Einstein (1879–1955) - Physicist, Scientist   Spiritualist

    John Elliotson (1788-1868) - Mesmerist Physician, teacher & author.

    Prof. Arthur J. Ellison (1920-2000)- SPR investigator & ex-president, Emeritus Professor of Engineering - City London University, Chairman of the Theosophical Research Centre.  Author of Science and the Paranormal: Altered States of Reality and Reality of the Paranormal

    Sarah Estep - (19??-2008) - American paranormal researcher. Founder of the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena.

    Prof. Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801–1887) - German physicist and philosopher who was a key figure in the founding of psychophysics, the science concerned with quantitative relations between sensations and the stimuli producing them.

    Arthur Findlay (1993-1964) - Founder of the Glasgow Society for Psychical Research and of The International Institute for Psychical Research.  Remembered today primarily as the founder of the Arthur Findlay College for Spiritualists.

    Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) - French Astronomer (Founder of the French Astronomical Society) and Physical & Mental Phenomena Researcher. 

    Théodor Flournoy (1854-1921) - Swiss Psychologist, Professor of Psychology, Paranormal Researcher.

    Prof. Pio Foa (1848-1923) - Italian Physician & Politician.  Co-founder of the University of Turin.

    Nandor Fodor (1895-1964) - Parapsychologist, Psychoanalyst, author & journalist.

    David Fontana (1934-2010) - British psychologist, parapsychologist and author.  Professor of Psychology at Cardiff University.  Visiting professor at John Moores University and the University of the Algarve.

    Charles Fort (1874-1932) - American writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena.

    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - Diplomat, scientist, inventor, philosopher, writer.

    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) - Austrian physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and influential thinker. Known as the 'Father of Psychoanalysis'.

    Tomokichi Fukurai (1869-1952) - Japanese pioneer of parapsychology.

    Hamlin Garland (1860-1940) - American novelist, poet, essayist, & short story writer.  Parapsychology skeptic/researcher.

    Gustave Geley M.D. (1868-1924) -  French physician, psychical researcher.  Director of the Institute Metapsychique International from 1919 to 1924.

    Paul Gibier (1851-1900) - French Paranormal Researcher,  medical director of the Experimental Pathology Laboratory of Comparative and Natural History Museum of Paris, favorite pupil of Louis Pasteur, director of the Institute Bacteriological (Pasteur Institute) of New York, member of the Academy of Sciences of New York, Knight of the Legion of Honor.

    William Gregory (1803-1858) - Professor of chemistry University of Edinburgh.  Enthusiast of Mesmerism & Phrenology.  Psychic investigator.

    George Ivanovitch Gurdjeff (1866-1949) - Influential early 20th century spiritual teacher, writer and esotericist. 

    Edmund Gurney (1847-1888) - Psychologist, Psychical Researcher, played leading role in gathering evidence for Apparitions.  One of the founders of SPR.  Author of Phantasms for the Living.

    Thomas Glendering Hamilton (1877-1923) - Physician, psychic researcher.

    Thomas Lake Harris (1823-1906) - Spiritualist mystic, poet, medium, and religious reformer. 

    Prof. Hornell Norris Hart (1888-1967) - Professor of sociology at Duke University from 1938 until 1957, charter member of the Parapsychological Association, member of the Society for Psychical Research, and the American Society for Psychical Research.  Author of The Enigma of Survival.

    Herman Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, author, painter, philosopher, researcher & explorer of the individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality.  Nobel Prize for Literature 1946.

    Dr. Richard Hodgson (1855–1905) - Australian-born Psychical Researcher.  Member of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) secretary of the American Society for Psychical Research (1887).

    Prof. Hans Holzer (1920-2009) - American paranormal researcher & author.  Known as "The Father of the Paranormal".

    Harry Houdini (1874-1926) -  Hungarian-American illusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts - and his passionate obsession with Spiritualism and Spiritualists.  Harry Houdini's War Against Spiritualism

    William Howitt (1792-1879) - English writer, poet & intrepid traveller. Born into a Quaker family, discovered Spiritualism in 1847 and in 1863 published: The History of the Supernatural in All Ages and Nations: And in All Churches, Christian and Pagan: Demonstrating a Universal Faith.

    Thomson Jay Hudson (1834-1903) - Acclaimed psychical researcher, best known for his classic work in the mental science and mental therapeutics field, The Law of Psychic Phenomena, first published in 1893.

    Victor Hugo (1802-1885) - French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights campaigner.   Victor Hugo's Conversations with the Spirit World: A Literary Genius's Hidden Life.

    James Hervey Hyslop - (1854-1920) Professor of Ethics & Logic, Pyschologist, Psychical Researcher.  Secretary-treasurer of the American Society for Psychical Research from 1906 till death. 
    Published in 1919: Contact with the Other World: The Latest Evidence as to Communication with the Dead
    Other publications.

    Dr. Alexander Imich (1903-2014) -  Polish-American chemist, parapsychologist, and writer.  Documented as the world's oldest living man (he was 111 when he died), he told Guinness World Records that his motto is that one should “always pursue what one loves and is passionate about.”   For him, that passion was the paranormal. In 1995, at the age of 92, he published a book on the subject called  INCREDIBLE TALES OF THE PARANORMAL: Documented Accounts of Poltergeist, Levitations, Phantoms, and Other Phenomena

    Paul Clement Jagot (1889-1962) - French scientist & writer, author of books on personal development, hygiene, esoterism, applied psychology, hypnotism & parapsychology.

    Prof. William James (1842-1910) - American philosopher, psychologist & trained physician.  Founding member of the American Society for Psychical Research and a member of its Committee on Mediumistic Phenomena.  Author of numerous works.

    Dr. Pierre Janet (1859-1947) - pioneering French psychologist, philosopher and psychotherapist in the field of dissociation and traumatic memory.  Ranked alongside William James and Wilhelm Wundt as one of the founding fathers of psychology.

    Dr Joseph Jastrow (1863-1944) -  Polish-born American psychologist, noted for inventions in experimental psychology, design of experiments, and psychophysics.   One of his favorite topics was the deceptive performances of mediums and psychics, and he joined with the stage entertainer Harry Houdini in jousting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others who believed in the supposed talents of spiritualists.  Guide to the Joseph Jastrow Papers, 1875-1961

    Dr Martin Johnson (1930-2011) - Swedish Psychologist & Psychical Researcher.

    William Quan Judge (1851-1896) - Irish-born mystic, esotericist, occultist - one of the founders of the Theosophical Society. 

    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) - Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist.  Founder of analytical psychology.  His work has been influential not only in psychiatry but also in philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, literature, and religious studies. 
    Jung's famous quote "I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." - C.G. Jung has become the motto for the Society for Psychical Research.

    Friedrich Jürgenson (1903-1987) - Swedish painter & film Producer.   Researcher of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and ITC (Electronic Transcommunication) One of the earliest pioneers of EVP recording, along with Konstantine Raudive.

    Dr. Montague Keen (1925-2004) - British Paranormal Researcher.  Lifelong member of the SPR. Principal author, (with Professor David Fontana and  Professor Arthur Ellison) of the 'Scole Report', a detailed examination of the physical phenomena produced during sittings with a mediumistic group, and published by the Society for Psychical Research, where he was secretary of its Survival Research Committee and Chair of its Image Committee.

    Justinus Kerner (1786-1862) - German poet and physician. Author of a remarkable record of supernormal phenomena and experiments in animal magnetic therapeutics. 

    Dr John Sumpter King (1843-1921) - Canadian Physician and Paranormal Researcher.  Founder of the Canadian Socieety for Psychical Research.  His work is detailed in his book 'Dawn of the Awakened Mind'.

    William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874 -1950) - aka Mackenzie King.  10th Prime Minister of Canada.  Champion of Canadian autonomy within the British Commonwealth, and best known for his leadership of Canada throughout all of the Second World War (1939-1945).  For his involvement in Spiritualism, read [Only admins are allowed to see this image] A Real Companion and Friend: The diary of William Lyon Mackenzie King.

    Fidelio Köberle (1915-2007) - President of the German Association For Transcommunication Research ((VTF e.V.)

    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004) - Swiss-American psychiatrist, a pioneer in near-death studies and author of the groundbreaking book 'On Death and Dying', where she first discussed her theory of the five stages of grief.

    Charles Lafontaine (1803-1892) - French mesmerist (or animal magnetizer), his stage demonstrations of animal magnetism influenced surgeon James Braid to pursue the study of what came to be known as hypnotism (N.B. Braid's "hypnotism" was significantly different from Lafontaine's "magnetism").

    Charles Lancelin (1852-1941) - French Paranormal Researcher, Hypnotist and author.  Described by some as one of the greatest experimenters in the field of Animal Magnetism, alongside Charles Lafontaine, Albert Rocks & Hector Durvill.

    Andrew Lang (1843-1912) - Scottish Paranormal Researcher, Spiritualist, Anthropologist and Writer.  Served as president of the Society for Psychical Research in 1911.

    Dr. Bernard Laubscher (1897-1984) - South African psychiatrist, anthropologist, and psychical researcher.  Author of 'Beyond Life's Curtain', 'Where Mystery Dwells' and others.

    Robert James Lees (1849-1931) - British spiritualist, medium, preacher, writer and healer.  Known as the 'Jack the Ripper Medium'.

    Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) - 16th President of the United States. Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? - (Curious revelations from the life of a trance medium, Mrs Nettie Colburn Maynard).

    Francis James Lippitt (1812-1902) - American lawyer and veteran of the Mexican American War and Colonel and Brigadier General in the American Civil War.  Author of Physical Proofs of Another Life.

    Sir Oliver J. Lodge (1851-1940) -  An active member of the Society for Psychical Research, he served as its president from 1901 to 1904. He was also a member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.  A giant of Aetheric Engineering and one of the leading minds of his era along with Tesla.  Author of more than 40 books, about the afterlife, aether, relativity, and electromagnetic theory.

    Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) - Italian criminologist and physician.  University of Turin: Professor of legal medicine and public hygiene, 1876; professor of psychiatry and clinical psychiatry, 1896; and professor of criminal anthropology, 1906.  Author of 'After Death - What?: Spiritistic Phenomena and Their Interpretation'.

    John E. Mack (1929-2004) - Professor of Psychiatry & founder of the Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School.  His work consisted of exploring how extraordinary experiences can affect personal, societal and global transformation. Author of many books detailing how one's perceptions shape relationships with one another and with the world, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of T.E. Lawrence, A Prince of Our Disorder, Abduction, and Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters.

    Edward Maitland (1824-1897) - Novelist, 'Mystical Writer', best known work 'The Pilgrim and the Shrine' (1867) - an account of his spiritual pilgrimage. One-time member of the Theosophical Society, founder of the Esoteric Christian Union, founder of the Hermetic Society (claiming no abnormal powers, and 'depending for guidance upon no Mahatmas.')

    Florence Marryat (1938-1899) - Author, reporter for Spiritualism newspapers, and stage performer.   Best known works: 'There Is No Death (1891), 'The Spirit World' (1894) and 'A Soul on Fire'.  in 1891, she opened the new Hall of the Marylebone Spiritualist Association (which later changed its name to the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain - SAGB as we know it today).

    William McDougall (1871-1938) - Professor of Psychology, Fellow of The Royal Society.  Works include 'Body and Mind: A History and Defence of Animism' - wherein he rejected both materialism and Darwinism and supported a form of Lamarckism where mind guides evolution.  He defended a form of animism where all matter has a mental aspect.

    George W. Meek (?? -1999) - Founder of the Metascience Foundation.  With William O'Neil and other scientists, he pioneered the two-way spirit communication device ‘Spiricom’ to communicate with people who had ‘died’.  The discarnate spirit of Dr W.F.G. Swann, science lecturer & leader in cosmic ray research, was said to have provided Meek's group, the Metascience Foundation, with the theoretical background and technical foundation upon which to begin construction of the Spiricom.  Published works include 'The Magic of Living Forever', 'Healers and the Healing Process', 'After We Die, What Then? and 'Enjoy Your Own Funeral, And Live a Happy Forever'.

    Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) - German-born Viennese physician who left the word “mesmerism”(hypnosis) to posterity. Known to the world as the "Father of Mesmerism" (Animal-Human Magnetism).  Among noted works: Dissertation On The Discovery Of Animal Magnetism.

    Robert Allan Monroe (1915-1995) - A radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness.  Founder of the Monroe Institute, his first book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience".

    William Usborne Moore (1850–1918) - British Naval Commander and Psychical Researcher into Mediumship.  (Noted for on occasion referring to the SPR (Society for Psychical Research) as - the Society for Prevention of Research).  Noted works: 'The Cosmos and the Creeds',  'Glimpses of the Next State'  and  THE VOICES: A Sequel to “Glimpses of the Next State”.

    Enrico (Henry) Morselli (1852-1929) - Italian psychiatrist, academic, and active promoter of the Italian positivist school of Neuropsychiatry.  President of the Italian Society for Neurology and Psychiatry, his interests and work covered a variety of subjects, ranging from pathological & animal psychology, forensic medicine, psychiatry, traumatic neuroses, semiotics and anthropology, magnetism, spiritualism/mediumship.  References:  'Annals of Psychical Science:  Eusapia Paladino and the Genuineness of Her Phenomena'

    Gardner Murphy (1895-1979) - American psychologist specialising in social and personality psychology, and parapsychology.  One of the first researchers to conduct scientific experiments on telepathy, clairvoyance, and other extra-sensory powers.  One time president of the Society for Psychical Research and the American Psychological Association.

    Frederic William Henry Myers (1843-1901) - Founder member and one-time president of the Society for Psychical Research.  Noted for a well-known episode in the history of psychical research spanning three decades (1901-c.1936):  The Cross-Correspondences
    Online reading: Books by F.W.H. Myers

    Prof. John Gneisenau Neihardt (1881-1973) - Made his career as a poet and literary critic after initial training in physics.   Founder of The SORRAT Experiment group (Society for Research in Rapport and Telekinesis).

    Haraldur Nielsson (1868-1928) - Prof. of Theology at the University of Iceland who investigated Icelandic medium, Indridi Indridason.  (Ref: 'The Uninvited').

    Rufina Noeggerath (1821-1908) - Spiritualist and author. Also known as "Bonne Maman" (good mother).  Author of Survival, its reality, its manifestation, its philosophy.

    Julian Leopold Ochorowicz (1850-1918) - Polish philosopher, psychologist, inventor, poet, publicist and leading exponent of Polish Positivism.

    Henry S. Olcott ( (1832–1907), President-Founder of the Theosophical Society.  Publications:  Editor of The Theosophist after H.P.B. left for Europe 1885; The Buddhist Catechism, 44 editions (1938), translated into 20 languages, an internationally used textbook; Old Diary Leaves, a history of the T.S. (in six volumes); and many pamphlets and articles on Theosophy, religion, psychic phenomena, etc.

    Dr. Karlis Osis - Ph.D. (1917-1997) - Latvian-born parapsychologist who specialised in exploring deathbed phenomena and life after death.  Most known publication: At the Hour of Death.

    Dr. Eugèn Osty (1874-1938) - French Doctor & Metaphysician.  Honorary Vice-President of Harry Price's National Laboratory of Psychical Research and the Director of the Institut Métapsychique in Paris, Dr Osty was one of France's foremost psychical researchers.

    Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) - Russian mathematician and esotericist known for his expositions of the early work of the Greek-Armenian teacher of esoteric doctrine George Gurdjieff.

    Robert Dale Owen (1801-1877) - Scottish-born American legislator and social reformer, was conspicuous among radicals in the 1820s and then won stature as an exponent of social legislation.  In Italy, he had been converted, like his father, to Spiritualism, and he wrote eloquently on its behalf in Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World (1860) and and The Debatable Land between This World and the Next (1872).

    Frank Podmore (1856-1910) -  English author, and founding member of the Fabian Society. He is best known as an influential member of the Society for Psychical Research and for his skeptical writings on Spiritualism. Quote: "Whether the belief in the intercourse with spirits is well-founded or not, it is certain that no critic has yet succeeded in demonstrating the inadequacy of the evidence upon which the spiritualists rely".  Noted works: Apparitions and Thought-Transference; Studies in Psychical Research; Modern Spiritualism: A History and a Criticism (1902); [url=Spiritualism. Is communication with the spirit-world an established fact?]Spiritualism (Pro and Con Series, against Wake Cook)[/url];  The Naturalisation of the Supernatural (1908)Mesmerism and Christian Science: A short history of mental healing; Telepathic Hallucination; The New View of Ghosts; The Newer Spiritualism.

    Morris Pratt (1820-1902) - Spiritualist and founder of the Morris Pratt Institute now located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

    Harry Price (1881-1948) - British psychic researcher and author.  During the 1940s, Price concentrated on writing and the works The Most Haunted House in England (Borley Rectory), Poltergeist Over England and The End of Borley Rectory.

    Henry H. Price (1899-1984) - Welsh philosopher, known for his work on perception. He also wrote on parapsychology.  President of the SPR from 1939–40. Publications:  The Collected Works of Henry H. Price, 1899-1984

    Morton Henry Prince (1854-1929) - American psychologist and physician who advocated the study of abnormal psychology.  Founder/editor of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

    Walter Franklin Prince (1863-1934) - American parapsychologist and founder of the Boston Society for Psychical Research in Boston.  Noted publications:  The Doris Case of Multiple PersonalityNoted Witnesses for Psychic Occurrences: Men of Science.

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    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:22

    02 Nov 2015, 15:15

    The above list is a work in progress. There is more to come. (Currently working on the 'H's onwards ....)

    For further details of each individual, click into the name.

    If anyone can add to the list as it is so far, please feel free to do so - by making a post here in this thread.

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:23

    03 Nov 2015, 19:12

    update  - H section added to list.

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:24

    06 Nov 2015, 12:55

    update  -  I, J and K sections have now been added (& amended in places).

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:26

    11 Jan 2016, 23:14

      alienpop Haven't forgotten about this - got a bit stuck on my research re one of the contenders. Conflicting info ..... [Only admins are allowed to see this image] 

    By the way, please don't hesitate to rectify any errors you might come across here. Similarly, if anyone has anything or anyone they would like to add to the listings here (so far alphabetically up to 'L') - your suggestions will be most welcome.

    Meantime - much more to come here ....................... I know it's taking a long time in the making [Only admins are allowed to see this image] but ... well, aren't all the best things worth waiting for(?)  Wink That's what 'they' say anyway ...........

    (All these interim comments will be deleted once the main list is complete.)

    We will of course still make room to add new names to the list if, as and when they become eligible ...

    Back to work

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:26

    23 Apr 2016, 13:31

    I hope to be able to come back to this at the end of this month.

    Meanwhile, if anyone has anything they wish to contribute to this list, please do so here and those details will be added to the completed list.

    Posts : 72
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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Curious Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:28

    25 Apr 2016, 06:24

    This is an impressive list, it's a lot of work for you do this K.K. thanks.  yes

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:30

    30 Apr 2016, 23:00

    update  - M section now added to the list.

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:32

    23 Nov 2016, 13:34

    update  -  Sections 'N' and 'O' now added to the List.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:33

    03 Dec 2016, 17:58

    Not sure on the point of this thread.
    If it is that scientists can be fooled too, then that is hardly news.
    Project Alpha proved that.

    All that matters is real tangible evidence, and none exist in over 150 years of real scientific study. Nothing, Nada, Τίποτα.

    Here are a list of scientists who have made TANGIBLE differences to the world, moved science forward and achieved great things.

    1) Stephen Hawking
    2) Alan Turing
    3) Rosalind Franklin
    4) Neil deGrasse Tyson
    5) Alfred Kinsey
    6) Eugenie Scott
    7) Andrei Sakharov
    8) Thomas Edison

    Now go research these people, learn about some of the greatest minds in history, who actually made a difference, changed the world for the better. Oh and none of them believe in ghosties or the afterlife!

    ps. If not for someone on this list, you would not even be reading this right now, and if you dont know which one, then SHAME on you. SHAME

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:37

    03 Dec 2016, 18:45

    JDBP wrote:Not sure on the point of this thread.
    If it is that scientists can be fooled too, then that is hardly news.
    Project Alpha proved that.

    All that matters is real tangible evidence, and none exist in over 150 years of real scientific study. Nothing, Nada, Τίποτα.

    Here are a list of scientists who have made TANGIBLE differences to the world, moved science forward and achieved great things.

    1) Stephen Hawking
    2) Alan Turing
    3) Rosalind Franklin
    4) Neil deGrasse Tyson
    5) Alfred Kinsey
    6) Eugenie Scott
    7) Andrei Sakharov
    8) Thomas Edison

    Now go research these people, learn about some of the greatest minds in history, who actually made a difference, changed the world for the better. Oh and none of them believe in ghosties or the afterlife!

    ps. If not for someone on this list, you would not even be reading this right now, and if you dont know which one, then SHAME on you. SHAME

    Just an initial cursory look at your reply here - tells me that you have not read into the detail of the entries included on this thread.
    It is not just a list of names - every name is clickable into a detailed link of the lives and achievements of the individual - and the title of the thread itself expresses that every one of those people included on the list had notable interest and influence in researching into matters of a spiritual nature, life after death, etc.

    Just briefly (for a start) - you name Thomas Edison on  your list as someone who did not believe in "ghosties or the afterlife".
    Thomas Edison is one name that is included in the list here of 'noted deceased scientists & researchers of spiritualism/psi.
    Have you not heard of his spirit phone?  This research is very much continuing to this day by many eminent serious ITC researchers in an effort to complete the work that Thomas Edison began with his spirit phone.

    'Edison Worked on a Spirit Phone to Record Voices of the Dead'

    A long-lost chapter of the memoir of Thomas Edison has been found and published in France and it contains details of the great inventor’s plans to build a device to record the voices of the newly departed.

    Edison’s original memoir is called “Diary And Sundry Observations” and was published in 1948, 16 years after his death. The first edition of the book contained a last chapter called “Spiritualism,” a collection of essays in which Edison talks about his beliefs in an afterlife and a way to communicate with the dead.

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:39

    03 Dec 2016, 19:01

    You do realise that he never actually made a spirit phone, or any such device for connecting to the dead? You do get that right?
    AFTER he died there were claims of secret experiments, (of which they even admit the results were negative).

    The point is no such device was created, he had no religious beliefs either.
    Here is where things do get interesting however

    "An interviewer from Scientific American asked Thomas Edison about the possibility of contacting the dead. Edison, a man of no strong religious views, said that nobody knows whether “our personalities pass on to another existence or sphere” but

    it is possible to construct an apparatus which will be so delicate that if there are personalities in another existence or sphere who wish to get in touch with us in this existence or sphere, this apparatus will at least give them a better opportunity to express themselves than the tilting tables and raps and ouija boards and mediums and the other crude methods now purported to be the only means of communication. (Clark 1997: 235)"

    So there you have it, this is where the idea of a spirit phone comes from, no such devices were ever made, nor were they even planned, just talked about, as an alternative to the parlour tricks that were going on at the time. It was no more than an idea.

    He definitely had an interest in such things but he did NOT believe in ghosts, he was a scientist, he had ideas of how you could test, or communicate with such entities if they existed, but he didn't actually believe in them.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:40

    03 Dec 2016, 19:05

    ps. Houdini also had an interest in such things, many scientists do have an interest, but credible scientists never believe without proof, and since no proof exists that would suggest that any scientist who claims they believe in ghosts are not credible, by the very definition of the scientific method.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:42

    03 Dec 2016, 19:06

    Please click this too
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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:46

    03 Dec 2016, 19:12

    JDBP wrote:So there you have it, this is where the idea of a spirit phone comes from, no such devices were ever made, nor were they even planned, just talked about, as an alternative to the parlour tricks that were going on at the time. It was no more than an idea.

    Obviously, there is so much more that you have yet to learn.
    Just for starters - how about you do your own research into a few of these:
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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:49

    03 Dec 2016, 19:27

    Candlelight.kk wrote:
    JDBP wrote:So there you have it, this is where the idea of a spirit phone comes from, no such devices were ever made, nor were they even planned, just talked about, as an alternative to the parlour tricks that were going on at the time. It was no more than an idea.

    Obviously, there is so much more that you have yet to learn.
    Just for starters - how about you do your own research into a few of these: 
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    Why its all a con! Anyone with a quarter of a brain knows that.
    Please tell me you dont believe Instrumental Trans Communication do you?
    Is there any crazy, unproven scam you wont fall for?

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:52

    03 Dec 2016, 19:35

    JDBP wrote:
    Please tell me you dont believe Instrumental Trans Communication do you?
    Is there any crazy, unproven scam you wont fall for?

    I have my own personal experienced PROOF that such things can and DO occur!

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:55

    03 Dec 2016, 19:38

    Personal experience is not proof by any definition of the word, as there are too many rational explanations that are a million times more likely.
    Therefore you have no experienced proof, you have only convinced yourself. Big difference.
    No such thing as ghosts, no evidence exists.

    If there was, we would know, technology is so advance these days.
    We can detect and measure gravitational waves which were created 13.9 Billion years ago! I think if ghosts were real we would detect them!

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 17:59

    03 Dec 2016, 20:16

    JDBP wrote:
    Personal experience is not proof by any definition of the word, as there are too many rational explanations that are a million times more likely.
    Therefore you have no experienced proof, you have only convinced yourself. Big difference.

    Well, I can assure you - rational explanations were sought and exhausted on every occasion (not just a one-off - there have been various incidents where I have experienced occurrences of an ITC nature - with witnesses on some of those occasions.

    One such witnessed occasion is recorded here, which happened just over 3 years ago:
    [Only admins are allowed to see this image] [Only admins are allowed to see this link]

    All possible 'rational' explanations have been covered and ruled out, but please - if you can suggest that the two of us on that occasion (Post No.17) were hallucinating (I can assure you, no drugs or alcohol involved), or that there was any kind of rational explanation that we missed, then I would be interested to hear it.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:04

    03 Dec 2016, 20:44

    Candlelight.kk wrote:Well, I can assure you - rational explanations were sought and exhausted on every occasion (not just a one-off - there have been various incidents where I have experienced occurrences of an ITC nature - with witnesses on some of those occasions.

    Ok, this is something I have literally heard over 100 times. Often from believers who have had a reading from a medium.
    They "exhaust" all rational explanations, therefore they are convinced and believe it.
    I then hear the recording, and using rational explanations, I explain it 100%

    The point is, would you trust a Priest to debunk a Jesus sighting? If he says to you that he has sought every possible rational explanation, and has determined that the sighting was real because there was no other explanation!

    Just because YOU cannot explain something, does not make it real. And that is something I talk about so often.

    Clearly you are not in the same league as someone like me when it comes to critical thinking, logical thought, rational explanations and so on. This is not me calling you dumb, this is just a fact by the fact that you have fallen for the act of people like Tony Stockwell, Gordon Smith etc, whereas I have catagorically debunked readings by them. And I have even put my reputation on the line and invited you to provide a reading you are 100% convinced is real, and I have guaranteed that I can debunk it, you always refuse the challenge, due to a fear you are wrong.
    I am so convinced that I can do what I claim, that I put it all on the line, and have done many times, I have ALWAYS won! 100% record as you well know.

    So for you to say "rational explanations were sought and exhausted on every occasion", that just doesn't hold any weight whatsoever, due to your inexperience, lack of knowledge, belief in all matters woo, and the fact that you have sat in the dark, put on silly voices and pretended to be a dead sailor. Therefore you credibility is practically nill.

    So to summarize, no I do not accept that allrational explanations were sought and exhausted on every occasion. That line is simply not true to any degree.

    One such witnessed occasion is recorded here, which happened just over 3 years ago:

    I had to scan through it quick as I am just about to go out.
    I assume you refer to the phone around your neck, flashing lights and so on.
    As an anecdote, its fascinating. I am sure you believe what you say and it happened as you claim.

    All possible 'rational' explanations have been covered and ruled out, but please - if you can suggest that the two of us on that occasion (Post No.17) were hallucinating (I can assure you, no drugs or alcohol involved), or that there was any kind of rational explanation that we missed, then I would be interested to hear it.

    And this is where we have the problem, I was not there, I did not witness it, there is no actual record of it.
    There is no video of it as it was happening as something to look at (thats the first thing I would have done)
    There is literally no evidence of it happening, other than your word, which in this case I actually believe.

    Now, had that happened to me (as has things that some would consider paranormal), I would suggest that I as a technological expert (legit I am a beast with such things) I would have figured it out, using my knowledge as a mobile phone and computer expert, I would have debunked it, understand it, and then rationally explained it, using the fact I am an expert on such devices.

    I will assume that you are not an expert on mobile phones, I am guessing you dont know what a Qualcomm chip is. I do.
    I am guessing you can strip a computer down to single parts on a table, go away for a week, come back and rebuild it in 20 minutes to the exact same condition it was in before. I can.

    The point is, you experience although fascinating, is just a story, a true story I am sure, but still a story without evidence.
    You like anyone without a rational critical thinking mind would believe it was ghostly, or paranormal.

    Now you ask me to explain it. I cant because I was not there, I have nothing to go on, other than words on a screen i have to take a leap of faith to believe are true.

    I have told this story many times before, but I once had a huge heavy wooden door slap in my face while no one was near it, this in the Manor House in west brom. There was no possible way it was faked, fixed or pushed. It happened.

    While the medium was hiding behind another member terrified of what happened, I figured it out.
    Had that happened to anyone else in that place, this would be a story told to this day that the skeptics couldn't expain, proof of the paranormal.

    Do you understand?

    I have had a TV turn itself off and on again, when I was the only one with the remote control! Proof surely of ghosties! I DEBUNKED IT!

    Look what happened to you convinced you, but to say ALL rational explanations were sought and exhausted is a joke, because you dont have the knowledge to even begun to say such a thing.

    Did what you claim really happen? Yes probably did, was it ghosts? No, of course not. Can I give you a rational explanation? No because I wasn't there and there is no evidence to examine, so to even try would be foolish.
    If I had have been there could I explain it? I think yes I would, I have yet to fail in my life at such things, i dont see why a piece of technology I know the ins and outs of would be able to fool me.

    Take from that what you will.
    But you are just a middle aged wannabe psychic, you are not an experienced person in this from a position that could debunk or explain such things.
    Afterall you think Tony Stockwell is real, when I know 100% he is a vile digusting fraud, and proveable so.

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:09

    04 Dec 2016, 14:16

    JDBP wrote:I will assume that you are not an expert on mobile phones
    You assume correctly.

    JDBP wrote:I am guessing you dont know what a Qualcomm chip is
    Your guess is wrong.

    JDBP wrote:I am guessing you can strip a computer down to single parts on a table, go away for a week, come back and rebuild it in 20 minutes to the exact same condition it was in before. I can.
    I assume you meant to say 'can't' there.
    It's not something that I have tried, mainly because I would not want to be without my computer for a whole week - but if I were to do it (for the sake of curiosity to see just how the thing is put together and how it works), I am pretty confident that I would get it all back together again in working order. It might take me a bit longer than 20 minutes though, because when taking it apart for the first time I would have made a little plan with numbered notes etc as I went along, and I would need to refer to those notes when putting it back together again.

    So, yeah - I think I could manage that task without too much of a problem.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:13

    04 Dec 2016, 15:12

    Candlelight.kk wrote:
    JDBP wrote:I will assume that you are not an expert on mobile phones
    You assume correctly.

    So to make the claim that all rational explanations were examined and eliminated is a false claim.

    JDBP wrote:I am guessing you dont know what a Qualcomm chip is
    Your guess is wrong.

    Well I am impressed you were able to quickly use google!

    JDBP wrote:I am guessing you can strip a computer down to single parts on a table, go away for a week, come back and rebuild it in 20 minutes to the exact same condition it was in before. I can.
    I assume you meant to say 'can't' there.

    You assume correctly

    It's not something that I have tried, mainly because I would not want to be without my computer for a whole week - but if I were to do it (for the sake of curiosity to see just how the thing is put together and how it works), I am pretty confident that I would get it all back together again in working order. It might take me a bit longer than 20 minutes though, because when taking it apart for the first time I would have made a little plan with numbered notes etc as I went along, and I would need to refer to those notes when putting it back together again.

    Oh dear, if you think it is that easy you are mad! And I can do it without any notes, and without memorizing anything, that is the point, that is the difference in knowledge on this issue

    So, yeah - I think I could manage that task without too much of a problem.

    I think you are wrong.

    The point is you BELIEVE you can do it after having never tried, and with zero experience, i KNOW i can do it, because i have many times, and i have legit experience and knowledge in doing so.

    So back to the original point, you are not experienced or knowledgeable enough to rationally eliminate all explanations, yet you jump to the paranormal one. Surprise surprise.
    What was that you were saying about experience and wisdom? You have shown a complete lack of both, yet claim you have eliminated all possibilities.

    This is where you fall down time after time, and display a glaring lack of critical thinking.
    And once again I prove my point, back up everything I say, and you are left in a pond of self doubt.

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:17

    04 Dec 2016, 16:30

    KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM are not the same things.

    Knowledge derives from to know.
    Wisdom is to be wise.

    A person of any age may know (or think they know) many things, but that is not to say they are wise in that knowledge. Only experience brings the wisdom. And experience will sometimes even prove that the things that you thought you knew about all along, were actually wrong. That's when wisdom takes precedence.

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:20

    04 Dec 2016, 16:37

    Candlelight.kk wrote:KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM are not the same things.

    Knowledge derives from to know.
    Wisdom is to be wise.

    A person of any age may know (or think they know) many things, but that is not to say they are wise in that knowledge. Only experience brings the wisdom. And experience will sometimes even prove that the things that you thought you knew about all along, were actually wrong. That's when wisdom takes precedence.

    So you admit you lack both knowledge and wisdom then.

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    Post by mac Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:23

    05 Dec 2016, 04:02

    JDBP wrote:Personal experience is not proof by any definition of the word, as there are too many rational explanations that are a million times more likely.

    Of course personal experience is not proof but a lack of personal experience does not negate what someone else has experienced.
    JDBP wrote:Therefore you have no experienced proof, you have only convinced yourself. Big difference.
    No such thing as ghosts, no evidence exists.

    Here's a challenge for you in a similar way you love to dish 'em out, Prove that there are no such things as ghosts. Prove that the experiences others have had but you haven't had are bogus, prove they didn't experience them hence their conclusions must be wrong. PROVE all that and I'll listen to you. :grin:

    JDBP wrote:If there was, we would know, technology is so advance these days.
    We can detect and measure gravitational waves which were created 13.9 Billion years ago! I think if ghosts were real we would detect them!

    What a crock! You're suggesting technology is so advanced these days that our equipment enables our scientists to know everything about everything? What a crock! laugh out loud? It's not worth a laugh....

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:27

    06 Dec 2016, 22:22

    JDBP wrote:So back to the original point, you are not experienced or knowledgeable enough to rationally eliminate all explanations, yet you jump to the paranormal one.
    Er ... I don't think that's quite what happened!

    JDBP wrote:What was that you were saying about experience and wisdom? You have shown a complete lack of both, yet claim you have eliminated all possibilities.

    This is where you fall down time after time, and display a glaring lack of critical thinking.
    I haven't fallen down.  I am still standing, and I'm not quite sure how a "glaring lack of critical thinking" has manifested itself in this situation.  An explanation would be nice.

    You said "I will assume that you are not an expert on mobile phones, I am guessing you dont know what a Qualcomm chip is." By mentioning the Qualcomm chip there, you seem to be intimating that the mystery of what happened on that particular occasion with my mobile phone, can be explained perfectly logically if you know what a Qualcomm chip is.
    How? Do please tell.  Explain what possibilities you think might have been involved where the Qualcomm chip is concerned and how/why my phone might have acted in the way it did(?)
    JDBP wrote:"And once again I prove my point, back up everything I say"
    No, you have NOT proved ANY point here question   - and neither have you backed up everything you said.

    JDBP wrote:and you are left in a pond of self doubt.
       huh     facepalm

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    Post by mac Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:36

    06 Dec 2016, 22:46

    splish, splash! Come on in, the water's lovely! very happy  yay nuts

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:40

    08 Dec 2016, 17:25

    mac wrote:
    JDBP wrote:Personal experience is not proof by any definition of the word, as there are too many rational explanations that are a million times more likely.

    Of course personal experience is not proof but a lack of personal experience does not negate what someone else has experienced.

    Yes it does when the experienced being claimed is one that breaks the laws of physics.
    The lack of personal experience and knowledge in a subject 100% DOES negate their opinion, as it comes from a position of ignorance.
    Remember just because an experience is unexplained, does not make it unexplainable.

    Here's a challenge for you in a similar way you love to dish 'em out, Prove that there are no such things as ghosts.  Prove that the experiences others have had but you haven't had are bogus, prove they didn't experience them hence their conclusions must be wrong. PROVE all that and I'll listen to you.

    I would be happy to, show me a ghost and I will show you how it does not exist and you are wrong.

    Seriously though you want me to prove a negative. I really didn't expect someone like you to use that old chestnut.
    It is incredibly hard to prove something that does not exist, does not exist.
    So what we do in science is, we listen to a claim, we make a hypothesis, we test the hypothesis.
    And in 100% of EVERY SINGLE TEST IN HISTORY on the paranormal, no ghosts have been found.
    But I should also say no flying loch ness monster has been found, Upside down Unicorns living on Mars have also not been found.

    Now I use those ridiculous examples, because it is a historical and scientific fact that there is as much evidence for ghosts as there are for those two examples.

    So if you want proof that ghosts do not exist, all you need to do is look at the credible scientific evidence, of which there is none.
    That should tell you that it is statistically improbably that ghosts exist under any of the hypotheses ever given by spiritualists, psychics, religious people and so on.

    Now if you change the definition of the word ghost, then perhaps one day a ghost could be found, but under current definitions, it is impossible for a ghost to exist, and I have the entire history of science on my side on that one.

    JDBP wrote:If there was, we would know, technology is so advance these days.
    We can detect and measure gravitational waves which were created 13.9 Billion years ago! I think if ghosts were real we would detect them!

     What a crock!  You're suggesting technology is so advanced these days that our equipment enables our scientists to know everything about everything?    What a crock!  laugh out loud?  It's not worth a laugh.

    Again you are missing the point (a common effect sadly)
    There exists no credible hypothesis that has been tested that shows ghosts exist.
    You cant just think of something that is in popular culture, and say it is real, just because no one can prove it is not real, that is ridiculous.

    What I am saying is that technology is advanced enough to be able to measure ghosts if ghosts existed under the current definitions of spiritualism etc.

    Give me a hypothesis of their existence, then we can test it! ALL SO FAR HAVE GIVE NEGATIVE RESULTS!! Do you understand that!

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:44

    08 Dec 2016, 17:28

    Candlelight.kk wrote:
    JDBP wrote:So back to the original point, you are not experienced or knowledgeable enough to rationally eliminate all explanations, yet you jump to the paranormal one.
    Er ... I don't think that's quite what happened!

    That is clearly what you were suggesting.

    JDBP wrote:What was that you were saying about experience and wisdom? You have shown a complete lack of both, yet claim you have eliminated all possibilities.

    This is where you fall down time after time, and display a glaring lack of critical thinking.
    I haven't fallen down.  I am still standing, and I'm not quite sure how a "glaring lack of critical thinking" has manifested itself in this situation.  An explanation would be nice.

    You had a lack of understanding of technology, yet were trying to use technology as a way that someone dead was trying to communicate with you. Is that not what you claimed?

    You said "I will assume that you are not an expert on mobile phones, I am guessing you dont know what a Qualcomm chip is." By mentioning the Qualcomm chip there, you seem to be intimating that the mystery of what happened on that particular occasion with my mobile phone, can be explained perfectly logically if you know what a Qualcomm chip is.

    No not at all, I was explaining that your total and complete ignorance to the inner working of a mobile phone, as well as the software and coding, means you were in a position where to claim you had eliminated all rational explanations was wrong.
    You are a self admitted ignorant to technology, so how can you possibly eliminate technological explanations?

    How? Do please tell.  Explain what possibilities you think might have been involved where the Qualcomm chip is concerned and how/why my phone might have acted in the way it did(?)

    Again I was not there, had I been there I am sure I could have easily explained all that happened due to the fact I am an EXPERT on the devices involved and the inner workings!!!

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 18:47

    09 Dec 2016, 21:24

    update  - 'P' section now added to the list.

    To be continued ..........

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by mac Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:07

    09 Dec 2016, 21:33

    JDBP wrote:
    "Yes it does when the experienced being claimed is one that breaks the laws of physics.
    The lack of personal experience and knowledge in a subject 100% DOES negate their opinion, as it comes from a position of ignorance.
    Remember just because an experience is unexplained, does not make it unexplainable."

    Which laws of physics does it break?

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    Post by mac Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:09

    09 Dec 2016, 21:36

    JDBP wrote:
    Now if you change the definition of the word ghost, then perhaps one day a ghost could be found, but under current definitions, it is impossible for a ghost to exist, and I have the entire history of science on my side on that one.

    Definitions of non-technical words reflect common usage. We don't necessarily use a word because someone else has defined what it should be. Any definition of the word 'ghost' will reflect the way folk use the word, what they think it means. It's what dictionaries do.....

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:12

    10 Dec 2016, 12:06

    mac wrote:

    JDBP wrote:
    "Yes it does when the experienced being claimed is one that breaks the laws of physics.
    The lack of personal experience and knowledge in a subject 100% DOES negate their opinion, as it comes from a position of ignorance.
    Remember just because an experience is unexplained, does not make it unexplainable."

    Which laws of physics does it break?

    Depends on the experience being claimed

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:14

    10 Dec 2016, 12:11

    mac wrote:

    JDBP wrote:
    Now if you change the definition of the word ghost, then perhaps one day a ghost could be found, but under current definitions, it is impossible for a ghost to exist, and I have the entire history of science on my side on that one.

    Definitions of non-technical words reflect common usage. We don't necessarily use a word because someone else has defined what it should be. Any definition of the word 'ghost' will reflect the way folk use the word, what they think it means. It's what dictionaries do.....

    Well if we accept the current definition

    "an apparition of a dead person"

    Then clearly that is not a real thing and has been thoroughly debunked a million times over.
    HOWEVER remember the old saying, whatever is impossible today, one day science will make possible.

    So take the definition of a ghost. One day we will be able to digitally create a copy of the human mind, then we will have a literal ghost in a machine.

    Or how about the Loch Ness Monster, clearly it is not a real thing, but one day SCIENCE could create say a Plesiosaur, and put it in the Loch.

    And so on, whatever is impossible today, one day science will make possible. Just might meaning waiting a while

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:19

    10 Dec 2016, 12:49

    JDBP wrote:So there you have it, this is where the idea of a spirit phone comes from, no such devices were ever made, nor were they even planned, just talked about, as an alternative to the parlour tricks that were going on at the time. It was no more than an idea.
    Candlelight.kk wrote:Obviously, there is so much more that you have yet to learn.
    Just for starters - how about you do your own research into a few of these: 
    [Only admins are allowed to see this link]

    The Believers : Experiences To The Unknown presents "Thomas Edison & The Realms Beyond"
    (Short Documentary Film)
    In 1920, Thomas Edison, the famous inventor declares to the journalists that he plans to build a scientific device that would record the voice of the dead. In 2015, Philippe Baudouin comes across the only text ever devoted to this forgotten topic by Thomas Edison. After conducting several researches, he gives the conclusions of his investigation in a book that also includes the original and little known text by the American inventor : “The Realms Beyond”.

    Watch video here:  arrow   [Only admins are allowed to see this link]

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    Post by JDBP Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:21

    12 Dec 2016, 17:00

    Lovely video.
    Still no device was ever made, and he was not a believer, he was a scientist addresses what was being talked about in culture at the time.

    Again if ghosts were real it would be easy to prove they were real.

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    Post by Misty Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:25

    08 Mar 2017, 15:27

    Candlelight.kk wrote:
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    wave    When is "soon" Candlelight?  Still stuck on the P's.   very happy

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 21 May 2017 - 19:28

    08 Mar 2017, 16:20

    Misty wrote: 
    wave  When is "soon" Candlelight? Still stuck on the P's.  very happy

    Yes, Misty - thanks for the reminder. I had actually forgotten all about it! I will get my skates on and hopefully have a few more added by the weekend - possibly even try and get the whole thing completed at some stage next week.

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    Post by Candlelight.kk Sat 24 Jun 2017 - 11:59

    Well, I finally get a chance to come and do something towards continuing to completion of this project - only to discover that all the preparations that I had done, all the research and sorting out into categories etc that I had yet to work on and which was pending in a back-room closet waiting to be worked on - IS GONE!  The contents of that closet were not included in the transfer over from the old LAL to here.  It's now just an empty shelf... What a Face   I have no record or recollection now of what I had initially intended to add to the list from the 'Ps' onward - and will just have to start again from scratch as to content. question

    Oh well ...........

    This is probably an opportune time now to ask that if anyone has any suggestions as to suitable names & details that might be appropriate to include here (i.e. their surname beginning with Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y or Z) - please post your name suggestions here and I will do the necessary research to attach the details to the name(s).

    Also, of course, if you feel that any important names have been omitted from those already alphabetically-listed, then please make mention here.  The list when completed will continue to be a work in progress anyway, as people eventually pass on and thus become eligible for entry on the list of noted 'deceased' Scientists & Researchers of Spiritualism/Psi.

    To be continued ....
    (at a slightly slower pace than originally planned) obgob

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    Post by evergreen Sun 23 Jul 2017 - 10:00

    Take your time, Candlelight.kk.  There's a lot of good reading and learning to be had in what you've already put into this thread. 

    Sorry you lost all that hard work, must be gutting for you.  Eagerly awaiting more of this work-in-progress reference library. thumb

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    Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife Empty Re: Noted Deceased Practitioners & Researchers of PSI / Mediumship / Afterlife

    Post by Candlelight.kk Wed 16 May 2018 - 23:50

    Unfortunately, this project got interrupted and messed up with the changeover from the old LAL to the new Forum.  A whole pile of painstaking preparation got lost in the transition (I believe - all that were included alphabetically from 'P' onwards ...). 
    Very frustrating. wagtail

    Some time has since passed, and now I have decided that I am going to start the thing again from scratch - this time incorporating an individual page for each name on the list; that way we can add more specific detail when and where applicable and have scope for discussion on each subject.  It will also be a lot easier with this (Forumotion) layout, because I believe there is the option where the topic can be set to automatically list posts alphabetically, so where before I had to manually sort out the names as I went along, a lot of time will be saved doing it this way, and the names can be inserted on a random basis (without starting from A, etc ...).

    Worth a try anyway, and we'll see how it goes.

    ETA:  The new subforum for this topic is here:
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    Posts : 3295
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    Post by Candlelight.kk Wed 28 Aug 2019 - 11:32

    The new forum for this topic can now be found in THE LIBRARY (towards the bottom of the Home Index page).
    arrow  [Only admins are allowed to see this link]
    Be sure to check it out!

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