mac wrote:Doubtless Jon Donnis will say that SB's medium, Maurice Barbanell, was as big a fraud as all other mediums are and always have been and that the many communications, the uplifting teachings, the questions and answers sessions so eloquently delivered, were just figments of Maurice Barbanell's own imagination.
Not sure what he would say, but personally, I would say that clearly they are all frauds.
But dont you find it interesting the kind of characters they invent to be these spiritual knowledge bases.
Never a dead scientist, never a dead mathematician.
Never someone who could actually explain their continued existence in a way that could be understand by physics and help the living scientists understand the physics of their existence.
Just look at things logically, even from the position of a believer. Where are all the dead scientists? Where are all the dead particle physicists?
Where is Houdini? The one person you would expect could escape the bonds of the afterlife.
Instead we either get ridiculous foreign characters that are thousands of years old, yet bizarrely speak and understand modern English.
Or we get impossible to trace characters that despite having no real world job or knowledge, are suddenly experts in the afterlife. And thirdly we get mediums who have died and come back.
Notice how Colin Fry has not come back? Or Sylvia Browne etc.
Seriously, just look at the claims of spiritualists, and ask yourself why they never bring back someone who is more intelligent or knowledgeable about a real life subject than they are. Thats why we never get dead particle physicists, thats why Einstein doesn't come through, hell you could go back to the legendary ancient Greeks, like Aristotle and so on. They never come back.
Be objective, and ask yourself why these people dont come through, even if you are 100% believer, surely you must be suspicious?
Lets say its all real, and I dunno, lets say David Thompson suddenly got in contact with famous dead physicist Hannes Alfven, (google him), an incredible important person in history, a Nobel prize winner too. So real pedigree here.
Now David Thompson announces publicly that he has made contact with Hannes, and that he is inviting any world renound physicist in the world to join him in a seance, whereby they can ask questions to Hannes, the kind of question that only a physicist could answer, in other words not something David could do a bit of googling on, or even read a few books.
You could bring a Swedish physicist, lets make it harder to cheat, they can ask their questions in Swedish. If David was the real deal, he would be able to answer ANY question they asked, and answer fluently and instantly in Swedish as Hannes spoke through him.
There is not a skeptic on the planet who could deny that as proof.
Yet this NEVER EVER happens.
WHY? Believers ask yourself why this never happens. Now someone will throw the athiest/skeptic argument at me. Ok fine, there is plenty of dead scientists who believed in God, an afterlife etc, I am always shown these people as evidence that smart people believe. So lets bring one of these dead people back.
I just want one believer to THINK logically, and if that is impossible, then answer me why this has never happened.
Yoichiro Nambu died just last year, Nobel Prize winner. His knowledge on the field is almost upto date with all other physicists, NO MEDIUM ON THE PLANET could fake being him, or bringing him through. Ask and answer physics questions in Japanese! In perfect native tongue!
Instead why get 2000 year old dead ethiopeans, or native americans who bizarrely can speak modern English despite the fact they would have never have learned it, or they would have hated the white man, so they would never want to speak to them, and many of them were cannibals too! Yet suddenly they are the experts on the afterlife!
When you say these things out loud, can you understand why skeptics mock you so much, why we laugh at the absurdity of it all.
And then you try to patronise us skeptics by making out we just dismiss such things without thought.
That is why we mock it!
So come on Mac, answer my questions, or admit that these people are clearly and obviously frauds.
Remember it only takes one medium to prove mediumship, and it is insanely easy to do, and to a level that no skeptic can deny.
Rudolf Haag, died just 6 months ago, let a medium bring him through, and then answer questions in German about algebraic formulation of axiomatic quantum field theory.
A medium does that successfully, and I am a 100% believer.
This is what us skeptics mean when we ask for proof, something that just cant be faked.