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    Professor Archie Roy's challenge to the skeptics


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    Professor Archie Roy's challenge to the skeptics Empty Professor Archie Roy's challenge to the skeptics

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 14 May 2017 - 17:41

    03 Sep 2015, 16:54

    Professor Archie Roy was a respected astronomer who also dabbled in the realms of the paranormal, becoming known as “the Glasgow Ghostbuster”.
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    From Professor Archie Roy's 'A Challenge to the Sceptic'
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    Many years ago my colleague Montague Keen and I put together a list of over twenty cases which  we  used  to  challenge  any  fundamentalist  sceptic  who  denied  that  any  cases  existed supporting the opinion that paranormal phenomena occurred.

    Some of the cases included on that list:

    • The  Watseka  Wonder,  1887 Stevens E W, 1887  The  Watseka  Wonder,  Chicago; Religio-philosophical Publishing House, and Hodgson R, Religio-Philosophical Journal Dec 20th 1890, investigated by DrHodgson.

    • Uttara Huddar  and Sharada.  Stevenson Iand Pasricha  S,  1980.  A  preliminary  report on  an  unusual  case  of the  reincarnation  type  with  Xenoglossy.  JASPR  74,  331-348; and  Akolkar  V.V.  Search  for  Sharada:  Report  of  a  case  and  its  investigation.  JASPR 86,209-247.

    • Sumitra and Shiva Tripathi. Stevenson I. and Pasricha S, and McLean-Rice, N 1989. A  Case  of  the  Possession  Type  in  India  with  evidence  of  Paranormal  Knowledge. Journal of Scientific Exploration 3, 81-101.

    • asbir  Lal  Jat.  Stevenson,  I,  1974. Twenty  Cases  Suggestive  of  Reincarnation  (2nd edition) Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.

    • The  Thompson/Gifford  case.  Hyslop,  J.H.  1909.  A  Case  of  Veridical Hallucinations, PASPR 3, 1-469.

    • Past-life  regression.  Tarazi,  L.  1990.  An  Unusual  Case  of  Hypnotic  Regression  with some Unexplained Contents. JASPR, 84, 309-344.

    • Cross-correspondence communications.  Jean  (Countess  of  Balfour)  1958-60  The Palm Sunday Case:
    New Light On an Old Love Story. PSPR, 52, 79-267.

    • "Bim's" book-test. Lady Glenconnor. 1921. The Earthen Vessel, London, John Lane.

    • The  Harry  Stockbridge  communicator.  Gauld,  A.  1966-2.  A  Series  of  Drop-in Communicators. PSPR 55, 273-

    • The Bobby Newlove case. Thomas, C. D. 1935. A proxy case extending over Eleven Sittings with Mrs. Osborne Leonard. PSPR 43, 439-519.
    * Note (Candlelight.kk) - (I have not been able to find out any information on this case.  Can anyone help here, please?)

    • The Runki missing leg case. Haraldsson E. and Stevenson, I, 1975. A Communicator of the Drop-in Type in Iceland: the case of Runolfur Runolfsson. JASPR 69. 33-59.

    • The   Beidermann   drop-in   case.   Gauld,   A.   1966-72.   A   Series   of   Drop-in Communicators. PSPR 55, 273-340.

    • The  death  of  Gudmundur  Magnusson.  Haraldsson  E.  and  Stevenson,  I,  1975.  A Communicator of the Drop-in Type in Iceland: the case of Gudni Magnusson, JASPR 69, 245-261.

    • Identification  of  deceased  officer.  Lodge,  O.  1916. Raymond,  or  Life  and  Death. London. Methuen & Co. Ltd.

    • Mediumistic  evidence  of  the  Vandy  death.  Gay,  K.  1957.  The  Case  of  Edgar  Vandy, JSPR  39,  1-64;  Mackenzie,  A.  1971.  An  Edgar  Vandy  Proxy  Sitting.  JSPR  46,  166-173;  Keen,  M.  2002.  The  case  of  Edgar Vandy:  Defending  the  Evidence,  JSPR  64.3 247-259; Letters, 2003, JSPR 67.3. 221-224.

    • ]Mrs  Leonora  Piper  and  the  George  "Pelham"  communicator.  Hodgson,  R.  1897-8.  A Further Record of Observations of Certain Phenomena of Trance. PSPR, 13, 284-582.

    • Messages from "Mrs. Willett" to her sons. Cummins, G. 1965. Swan on a Black Sea. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

    • Intelligent  responses via  two mediums:  the  Lethe case.  Piddington,  J.G.  1910.  Three incidents  from the  Sittings.  PSPR  24, 86-143;  Lodge, O.  1911.  Evidence of  Classical Scholarship and of Cross-Correspondence in some New Automatic Writing. PSPR 25, 129-142

    Most of the above cases are given in detail in Prof. Archie Roy's book, The Archives of the Mind
    Many are also given in Prof. Stephen Braude’s book Immortal Remains.

    An Interview with Professor Archie Roy:  [Only admins are allowed to see this link]

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