Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

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    Helen Duncan


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    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 21:49

    (originally posted on 28 Aug 2012)

    ABOUT HELEN DUNCAN - Medium Martyr
    Born 25th November 1897. Passed to spirit 6th December 1956.

    The true story of a Scottish housewife who found herself in the centre of a WWII legal battle which ended with her being convicted under the Witchcraft Act.

    SPIRITUALISTS are no strangers to scorn, skepticism and stupidity. We face these regularly and deal with them appropriately. But few know that one of our most gifted Mediums was charged with conspiracy and actually imprisoned for her special psychic gifts of proving survival after death.

    This unsung heroine was one Helen Duncan, a simple Scottish housewife, who was forced to serve time in London's notorious Victorian Holloway women's prison for the appalling "crime" of holding physical phenomena seance's - many months which took a great toll on her health and contributed to her own premature earthly demise.

    Helen was born in Callander, a small Scottish town on the 25th of November 1897, the daughter of a master cabinet maker. Her family was far from rich. Like many of her fellow Celtic lassies she struggled to earn a living even after her marriage at the age of 20. Her husband, Henry, another cabinet maker, had been injured during WW1. She had 12 pregnancies, but only six children survived. To sustain this large family and a disabled husband she worked in the local bleach factory by day and her Spiritual work and domestic duties by night.

    The small amount of cash she made from her sittings, mostly token donations from friends and neighbours existing in a similar poverty to herself, would often discreetly go to their local doctor to pay for those patients who were destitute. This was in the time before Britain's national health service concept of free medicine for all had been introduced.

    But her skill lay in Mediumship of a particular kind, that rare psychic gift of being a vehicle for physical phenomena whilst in trance state. A precious gift that brought comfort to thousands but one which was eventually to cost her her earthly life.

    By the 1930's and 1940's she was traveling the length of wartime Britain giving regular seance's in hundreds of Spiritualist churches and home circles.

    Extract from the Official Pardon Site:
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    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 21:50

    by Hannen Swaffer

    In the fifth year of our war for freedom! - Orthodoxy was to arrest Helen Duncan, our best materialising medium, after submitting her to a physical examination that was indecent, refuse her a doctor until morning, ill with diabetes and suffering with shock though she was - and to invoke the Witchcraft Act of 1735. Orthodoxy was back to broomsticks!

    While she was giving a séance at Portsmouth, a whistle was blown. Policemen rushed into the room, took part in a sort of Rugby scrum, and, because they could not find the white “sheet “- that is what they called the ectoplasm the medium had exuded - were childish enough to believe that she had swallowed it, or else that the sitters, who demanded in vain that they should be searched, had secreted it on their persons.

    Baron Schrenck-Notzing, who spent many years on psychical research, had analysed ectoplasm. Dr. W. J. Crawford, of Queen’s University, Belfast, had weighed it, traced its flow - and even certified that one medium, while exuding it, lost 54 lbs. of weight!

    Thousands of Spiritualists all over the globe knew it to be living matter, out of which they had seen built up solid spirit forms that walked about the room, talked with their earth relatives, had been photographed - Sir William Crookes took lots of photographs of a materialised “Katie King” which a member of his family destroyed after his funeral, although some of the pictures still survive - and played musical instruments.

    But the Portsmouth police said it was a sheet! More, the Public Prosecutor’s department bought cheesecloth - and just because Harry Price, who had apparently forgotten that he once brought me a piece of ectoplasm which he said was cut from Mrs. Duncan’s body and which he had analysed, declared that her materialisations were cheesecloth which she had regurgitated.

    So cheese-cloth, bought by Whitehall for Helen Duncan’s trial at the Old Bailey, was actually held up by Treasury counsel before every defence witness, each of whom was asked in turn, “Isn’t this what you saw?” Yes, this took place in 1944!

    Did the Treasury, the Public Prosecutor, or the Home Office underling who afterwards boasted of his cleverness in remembering the Witchcraft Act know
    that this Duncan prosecution would put every Spiritualist, every medium, and every psychical researcher in Britain in perpetual jeopardy? Someone must have known.

    This is no attack on Spiritualism,” said Treasury counsel, time after time. The Recorder of London, who tried the case, stressed the same thing.

    But the truth is that, since Helen Duncan’s conviction proved that mediumship of any kind is, in law, “a pretence at conjuring up spirits of dead persons,” public trance has been barred, in Altrincham, in a municipal hall - in case the town council were guilty of conspiracy! More, free speech on the subject is so barred that, when I wanted to address a meeting of protest in Altrincham, I had to do so in Sale, a neighbouring borough. No local minister who was approached would lend his chapel! “It is contrary to the teaching of our religion,” they said - or else dodged it.

    When questions were asked about this in Parliament, the Home Secretary was truculent and defiant. When he said that it had been arranged that an address was to be given “by the spirit of a dead man,” and that a collection would be taken, M.P.s roared with laughter.

    Little did they know, but the Duncan case had caused such a scare about the Witchcraft Act that two printers who had read about the illegality of mediumship were afraid to print a pamphlet dealing with the subject and planned for distribution in the Commons. One suddenly got cold feet even after he had set up the type.

    You saw, no doubt, many comic headlines in the newspapers during the Duncan case. You did not know that it might be destined to rank, one day, with the trial of Socrates, who was condemned to death because he said he had a spirit guide, and with the conviction of Joan of Arc because she obeyed spirit voices, that, remembering Helen Duncan’s conviction, Spiritualists recalled Rome’s threat to torture Galileo, whom it forced to recant, because he said the sun did not move round the earth.

    The fact that Helen Duncan is a fat Scotswoman of working-class origin and with a desire to earn more money as a medium than we thought wise for her, does not affect the issue. She had demonstrated to countless numbers of people all over the land that it was possible for the spirits of the dead to materialise, that they need not rely on so-called “resurrection” because of an unproved, and contradictory, story of how Jesus returned from the grave, but that they could test it for themselves.

    No fewer than 300 of these were prepared to give evidence at the Old Bailey trial. Actually, 40 of them did so. They included people belonging to all the Services, and various learned professions - a medical officer, a lawyer, one of the best-known Scottish journalists, a sanitary inspector, an electrical draughtsman, and a Church of England clergyman.

    For three days, these described how full materialisations of relatives and friends had taken place at Helen Duncan séances, and that they were satisfied about the genuineness of her powers.

    Yet, time after time, Treasury counsel held up the cheesecloth or butter-muslin, as some called it, and said, “Wasn’t it like this?

    Then I arrived in the witness-box. You must realise that I had nothing to gain, but, although one of the most famous journalists in the country, I was risking obloquy and scorn. Yet Truth is Truth, and you have to stand for it.

    “You are also, I believe, a dramatic critic,” said C. E. Loseby, counsel for the defence.

    “I was, unfortunately,” I replied.

    “Unfortunate for whom?” asked the Recorder.

    “For me, my Lord,” I said. “I had to sit through it.”

    I did not know until I turned him up in “Who’s Who” that he had once been a playwright of sorts, part author of “Rebel Maid.” You can guess what authors of humorous musical plays think of me!

    Well, I told the Court that for over 20 years I had investigated psychic phenomena of every kind and type, and in many countries, and that the purpose of my investigation was: “It is my duty to tell people the truth about the survival of their beloved dead.” Then, saying how I had sat perhaps half a dozen times with Mrs. Duncan under test conditions, I explained to legal high-ups who thought ectoplasm was a piece of cheesecloth that it was exuded from mediums through the mucous membranes, the solar plexus, the ears and the nostrils, that it appeared to be a living substance, that I had seen it perhaps 50 times and that, in the case of Helen Duncan, it resembled “living snow.”

    “When was the last time?” the Recorder asked.

    “Since this case was sent for trial,” I replied.

    The point of this was that, between Portsmouth and the Old Bailey, we had made a rigid test of Helen Duncan’s powers and that the results were so extraordinary that C. E. Loseby, who was present, said at the end, “I am so impressed that I will tell the Court I am willing to allow the medium to demonstrate her powers in open court, and in broad daylight.”

    Yet the Recorder decided that all evidence about this test must be ruled out “since it would be under a cloud.”

    Before this test sitting, two women took Mrs. Duncan into a room, stripped her stark naked, dressed her only in a loose black garment - the reason for this was that the ectoplasm was white - and then brought her, in our sight, into the séance room. There she went into a trance in a red light in which we could see everything that happened.

    Albert, her guide, began: “Something has been said about a sheet. I will show it to you.” Immediately we saw a large mass of ectoplasm, probably eight feet long and six feet wide. This was what the police had called a sheet!

    Then, to prove the genuineness of the ectoplasm, the medium moved half across the room, the living substance becoming a sort of rope which lengthened as she moved further away.

    Yet all this was ruled out, as, later, was every scrap of evidence sworn to by witnesses who had sat with Mrs. Duncan all over the country. Nor was she allowed to give a test in court. “That would be in the nature of a trial by ordeal,” said the Recorder.

    Surely if a woman who is accused of “a pretence at conjuring up the spirits of dead persons” offers to produce them in open court - well, what more can she do? But even if she did so, she would still be guilty under the law of Britain.

    “Could the ectoplasm be mistaken for butter-muslin?” Loseby asked me.

    “Anyone who described it as butter-muslin would be a child,” I replied. “Besides, under red light, butter- muslin would turn yellow or pink. How could a red light make that kind of material take on a living whiteness?

    Then I had to explain to a Recorder ignorant of ectoplasm, how it reacted to light, how the actinic qualities of light which retard photographic processes also affect ectoplasm. More, I had to tell how, the first time I sat with Mrs. Duncan, someone foolishly shone a light on the medium with the result that the séance had to be stopped and that then we discovered the medium was bleeding furiously at the nose.

    I also produced a document signed by four magicians after I had taken them along to test Mrs. Duncan. They had tied her up with 40 yards of sash-cord, they said in their agreed statement, handcuffed her, and tied her two thumbs so close together with thick thread that it cut into the flesh. Although it had taken eight minutes for Will Goldston, a professional magician, to tie up the medium, her guide freed her from the cord, the thread and the handcuffs in three minutes.

    As a dramatic critic I ridiculed, in the witness-box, the idea that Mrs. Duncan could impersonate Albert, her guide.

    Yet, in his summing-up, the only thing said by the Recorder about my evidence was: “All that Mr Swaffer said was to contradict some of the others, not altogether to be wondered at.”

    I did not contradict any of the others, for I was talking of séances at which they had not been present, and they were talking of sittings which I had not attended.

    Besides, the Recorder seemed to have forgotten that I so smashed the case for the cheesecloth theory that never again, after I left the box, was it held up or referred to.


    I remembered how I could have killed the regurgitation theory, had the evidence been allowed, by producing a doctor’s certificate that Mrs. Duncan had a normal stomach and so could not regurgitate, and also X-Ray photographs proving that her stomach was normal. These, I held up in vain. These were not “evidence.”

    Then, Treasury counsel, jumping at my remark that I had seen every possible test applied to Helen Duncan, asked if we had applied the electrical controls used by Harry Price when Rudi Schneider, the Austrian medium, came to London.

    Treasury counsel did not know, but I was present the first time that test was applied, I sat with Sir James Dunn and Lord Charles Hope, in Harry Price’s laboratory, where the so-called electrical test was used - and I said so.

    When counsel tried to force the point that this was the kind of test he had been hinting at all the time, I replied that it was not a real test and that, on the occasion I referred to, I was compelled to point out to the psychical researchers how silly it was. For instance,” I said, “Price’s secretary was walking about the room.”

    “Was she covered with phosphorus?” asked counsel.

    “No, she was not,” I said.

    Then, when the Crown asked whether Mrs. Duncan had ever been tested with a coloured pill - this would prove regurgitation if it occurred - I said “Yes, we tried even that.”

    You can scarce believe it, but, only a few months after the King had asked all the nation to pray, Treasury counsel, referring to the fact that séances are often opened with prayer, asked: “Would not prayer make the sitters more receptive?”

    “Would prayer make people receptive to the sight of a bus?” I jeered.

    “Besides, many people are Agnostics. Sometimes this court opens with prayer.”

    Why, even the House of Commons opens with prayer. Does that make Winston Churchill credulous?

    Well, we came back to the cheesecloth. This, I explained, would be merely a soggy and stained mess if brought up from the stomach.

    May I try to swallow the cheesecloth?” I sneered, wishing to show that it could not be done; for it was hard and stiff.

    “We will not reduce the Court to the level of an exhibition,” said the Recorder, reprovingly.

    “Why have you got it here?” I asked counsel. “We tried to get Harry Price to try to swallow it. Never have I heard such nonsense - until Price invented this new lunacy of the cheesecloth. It is all a silly invention of his.”

    That ended the cheesecloth bunk!

    Counsel, coming back to Mrs. Duncan’s nose-bleeding, then asked, “Did you examine her nose?”

    “I looked at it,” I said. “What else does one do but look at a nose which is bleeding? Besides, I am a trained observer. My word is taken when I report other things.”

    “Aren’t you a Spiritualist with fixed opinions?” said counsel, suggesting, 1 suppose, I would defend any psychic fraud.

    Yes,” I replied. “My opinions are fixed because they are based on evidence which is incontrovertible.”

    “When you were a dramatic critic,” pressed counsel, “did other critics agree with you?”

    “Criticism is not a matter of fact,” I retorted, “but a matter of opinion.’’

    Then counsel sat down, looking tired. And I stamped out of the court.

    Well, having beenrefused a chance to demonstrate her powers in court, Mrs. Duncan was sent to prison for nine months; the Court of Appeal refused to reverse the judgment; and then the Attorney-General denied us leave to take the case to the House of Lords, saying, “ it is not a matter of sufficient public importance.”

    Shortly afterwards, General Eisenhower promised the people of Germany that they would have religious freedom. But we Spiritualists have not got it!

    Why, at Redhill, nine months after the Duncan case, the police banned mediumship in the borough!

    A few weeks later, I met Herbert Morrison (Home Secretary) in the Ivy Restaurant. We had a friendly argument about my various criticisms of him. Then, at the end, he said, with a grin, “Well, I’ll see you on the Other Side.”

    “Herbert,” I replied, “you are on the other side.”

    Since then Morrison has changed his mind. A deputation of M.P.’s led by Clement Davies, who spoke for all the Liberal Party, went to see him to explain the disabilities suffered by Spiritualists.

    In consequence, Morrison went so far as to say - and this was only a few weeks after he denied that we suffered any - that he understood our grievances, and that it should not be found impossible, when Parliament had time, to get through a non-controversial Bill guaranteeing Spiritualists their religious freedom.

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    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 21:51

    The remarkable story of Helen Duncan Spiritualist and medium branded a traitor in WWII.

    One telling development that this was no ordinary case was that in a rare example of cross border co-operation both the Law Societies (senior legal bar councils) of England and Scotland jointly and simultaneously declared this case to be a travesty of justice. As a debunking exercise the case failed miserably. Sceptics must have winced at the daily reporting of case after case where 'dead' relatives had materialised and given absolute proof of their continued existence.

    Read the full story here:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by jon05 Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 21:58

    What are the different ways to develop the Psychics abilities of a person?

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:01

    Television documentary about the trial of Helen Duncan in 1944 under the 1735 Witchcraft Act.

    [Unfortunately, this video is no longer available]

    Scotland’s Last Witch

    Helen Duncan Spiritualist Helen Duncan was born in Callender, Scotland, on the 25 November 1897. From an early age she is said to have displayed the 'gift' of medium with the spirit world. A prominent feature of her sittings was her ability to emit 'ectoplasm' from her mouth during her trances - a stringy white substance that is supposed to give form to spirits and allow them to communicate.

    She made a living by conducting séances throughout Britain, during which the spirits of the dead were alleged to have appeared, talking to and even touching their relatives.

    Duncan was accepted as a minister to a sizeable network of spiritualist churches and private homes, but her work was not without controversy. In 1931 she was denounced as a fraud by both the Morning Post newspaper and an organisation called the London Psychic Laboratory, which had examined her. She was also prosecuted at Edinburgh Sheriffs Court in 1933 for affray and being a 'fraudulent medium', for which she was sentenced to a fine of £10 or a month's imprisonment.

    During World War Two, Duncan lived in Portsmouth, the home of the Royal Navy. In 1941, the spirit of a sailor reportedly appeared at one of her seancés announcing that he had just gone down on a vessel called the Barham. HMS 'Barham' was not officially declared lost until several months later, its sinking having been kept secret to mislead the enemy and protect morale.

    Unsurprisingly, Duncan's activities attracted the attention of the authorities and on 19 January 1944, one of her séances was interrupted by a police raid during which she and three members of her audience were arrested.

    Duncan was remanded in custody by Portsmouth magistrates. She was originally charged under section 4 of the Vagrancy Act (1824), under which most charges relating to fortune-telling, astrology and spiritualism were prosecuted by magistrates in the 20th century. This was considered a relatively petty charge and usually resulted in a fine if proved. She was eventually tried by jury at the Old Bailey for contravening section 4 of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, which carried the heavier potential penalty of a prison sentence.

    In particular, the medium and her three sitters were accused of pretending 'to exercise or use human conjuration that through the agency of Helen Duncan spirits of deceased persons should appear to be present'. Duncan was also charged with offences under the Larceny Act for taking money 'by falsely pretending that she was in a position to bring about the appearances of the spirits of deceased persons'.

    The trial caused a media sensation and was extensively covered in the newspapers, many of which revelled in printing cartoons of witches on broomsticks. At one stage, the defence announced that Duncan was prepared to demonstrate her abilities in the witness box. This amounted to conducting a séance in the court while in a state of trance and the offer was refused.

    Duncan was found guilty as charged under the Witchcraft Act and sentenced to nine months in Holloway Prison, London, but she was cleared of the other offences. She was the last person in Britain to be jailed under the act, which was repealed in 1951 and replaced with the Fraudulent Mediums Act following a campaign by spiritualist and member of parliament Thomas Brooks.

    There are two common misconceptions about Duncan's conviction. The first is that she was the last person in Britain to be convicted of being a witch. In fact, the Witchcraft Act was originally formulated to eradicate the belief in witches and its introduction meant that from 1735 onwards an individual could no longer be tried as a witch in England or Scotland. However, they could be fined or imprisoned for purporting to have the powers of a witch.

    The second misconception is that she was the last person to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act. Again this is incorrect. Records show that the last person to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act was Jane Rebecca Yorke in late 1944. Due to her age (she was in her seventies) she received a comparatively lenient sentence and was fined.

    Additionally, it has often been suggested that the reason for Duncan's imprisonment was the authorities' fear that details of the imminent D-Day landings might be revealed, and given the revelation about the Barham it is clear to see why the medium might be considered a potential risk. Nonetheless, then prime minister Winston Churchill wrote to the home secretary branding the charge 'obsolete tomfoolery'.

    Helen Duncan was released from prison on the 22 September 1944 and seems to have avoided further trouble until November 1956, when the police raided a private séance in Nottingham on suspicion of fraudulent activity. No charges were brought and shortly afterwards, on 6 December in the same year, the woman who is sometimes remembered as the 'last witch' died.

    A campaign by her descendents to clear her name continues to this day.
    Source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:05

    New attempt to win pardon for jailed Helen Duncan
    ... one of the last to be prosecuted under the Witchcraft Act

    Scottish materialisation medium Helen Duncan has probably inspired more publicity than an other 20th-century Spiritualist medium.

    Following recent changes in the law, campaigners have fresh hopes that Duncan, who in 1944 was tried and imprisoned under the 1735 Witchcfaft Act, could receive a posthumous pardon.

    There is no proof that she was a fraud and she was certainly not a witch!  Yet this Stirlingshire mother of a large family was prosecuted under a law that is now obsolete.

    Helen Duncan is widely described as the last person to be convicted under the ancient Witchcraft Act but, according to archivist and historial Leslie Price, that dubious honour rests with Jane Rebecca Yorke, a 72-year-old London medium convicted a short time after Mrs Duncan in 1944.

    New optimism has arisen following the posthumous pardon of wartime code-breaker Alan Turing who was convicted for gross indecency in 1952 and subsequently committed suicide.

    In 2009 British prime minister Gordon Brown spoke publicly about Turing's "inhumane treatment" and said, "I'm proud to say orry to a real war hero".

    The Queen granted Turing a posthumous pardon in 2013.  And last month justice minister Sam Gyimah announced that thousands of gay and bisexual men who, like Turing, were convicted for sex offences under a law that has since been abolished, could now all be posthumously pardoned.

    Graham Hewitt, trust property coordinator at the Spiritualists' National Union's head office, has been asked by the Duncan grandchildren to fight for a pardon.  He is hopeful that the Turing case  has set a precedent.

    He told the Telegraph:  "Like Turing, Helen was convicted under legislation now long since repealed.  We are writing to the Scottish Government demanding their support."

    The Scottish Parliament rejected a 2008 petition to pardon Helen Duncan but a spokesman for the Scottish Government said, "Scottish Ministers have a power to consider a posthumous pardon under the Royal Prerogative for Mercy.  In the event that an application was received on behalf of Helen Duncan, they would give it due consideration."

    Although people flocked to Helen Duncan's demonstrations during World War Two, sceptics were not impressed.  Matters came to a head during one of her séances in Portsmouth.

    A sailor returned and said he had lost his life at sea when his ship, HMS Barham, was torpedoed.  It sank in the Mediterranean with the loss of 800 lives.

    The ship's fate had not yet been made public, so the authorities had to ask how this woman knew the details.  The government decided she could be a security risk.  She was arrested and held initially on the old charge of 'vagrancy'.

    Two months later, when the case reached the Old Bailey in London, she was accused under the Witchcraft Act of 1735 and imprisoned in Holloway for nine months.

    An appeal against conviction was launched during the time of the London Blitz.  As the Law Courts had been hit by a flying bomb, the appeal was heard in an air raid shelter.  As it dragged on, prime minister Winston Churchill became impatient and demanded: "Give me a report of the 1735 Witchcraft Act in which the Recorder was kept busy with all this obsolete tomfoolery to the detriment of the necessary work in the courts."

    Despite arguments and supportive evidence from leading Spiritualists of the day, Helen Duncan was returned to prison to complete her sentence. 
    (Source: Psychic News - December 2016 edition)

    'Ectoplasm' goes on show in Cambridge

    By a strange coincidence, the seeking of a pardon coincides with an exhibition entitled "Curious Objects" which opened in Cambridge University Library on 3 November and runs through to 21 March 2017.

    On view is an example of "ectoplasm" said to have been produced during a Helen Duncan séance.  It is part of the archive of the Society for Psychical Research, and takes it place in the exhibition together with a spirit trumpet used to amplify spirit voices and a plaster cast of famous medium D.D. Home's left hand.

    The exhibition describes ectoplasm as "sometimes vaporous, sometimes viscous, sometimes a mass of fine threads or cloth-like substance.  It supposedly disintegrates when exposed to light or human touch."

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by Candlelight.kk Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:07

    Helen Duncan Ad0573c73bb7587a6b1ed6a8942b52eb

    Further details regarding the trial of Helen Duncan can be found on pp 256-259 of Psypioneer - Volume 3, No 11; November 2007 .

    Was Not Trialled as a Witch, as Some Reports May Suggest!
    In 1944 at the Old Bailey London there was a remarkable trial.  A professional materialisation medium, Helen Duncan together with Ernest Homer (1), Elizabeth Jones (2) and Frances Brown (3) were all charged upon an indictment containing seven counts, (4) the first two counts under section 4 of the Witchcraft Act 1735. To the indictment, all four pleaded not guilty.
    To read in full, go to:  arrow   [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    In that same link (p 244), there is also a review of the book:  ‘Helen Duncan the Mystery Show Trial’ by Robert Hartley April 2007. (Published by H Pr (Publishing) ISBN 978-0-9553420-8-0 £12.50):

    Hartley gives an excellent breakdown of the court case and the evidence given. Much time and research has resulted in the finer points, for example details about the lighting conditions in the séance room, room dimensions, séance procedure, Duncan’s controls, etc. The book contains 319 pages, integrated illustrations showing sequences of events, an eleven page chronology of  events and nineteen pictures.  
    Robert Hartley presents an open, thought-provoking book, which takes the reader through the trial of Helen Duncan and her co-defendants.  Because  Hartley has revisited the evidence given in sworn statements, new perspectives have arisen which underline the links between MI5 and Naval Intelligence and Special Branch.  We become aware of a network of changing accounts of the prosecution witnesses, statements (e.g. Worth and Fowler's) were falsified, as was the seating plan of January 19th  when Duncan and co were arrested, that moved a prime prosecution witness to a position they should never have occupied!

    Posts : 389

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by JDBP Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:08

    Are people still trying to claim she was not a fraud?
    Probably the single most damaging person in the history of spiritualism.
    Her arrogance and idiocy at allowing them to photograph her puppets and net curtains exposed spiritualism for what it really was, a pathetic scam that only a total fool could still believe in.

    Posts : 932
    Location : east midlands of England

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by mac Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:11

    Mr Grumpy's back.

    Posts : 389

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by JDBP Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:12

    You say Grumpy, however IRL I am "The Knowledge" on here.
    No one comes close.

    Posts : 932
    Location : east midlands of England

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by mac Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:15

    I still say 'Grumpy' and your so-called knowledge isn't anywhere as vast as you'd like us to believe.

    Your pattern of attendance and m.o. here is well established and readily visible. You take a break from visiting but probably get bored with whatever else you do elsewhere so you return to take a pop here at anything you can find.

    Next you'll disappear after some interchanges when you've run out of things to say. lol

    Posts : 389

    Helen Duncan Empty Re: Helen Duncan

    Post by JDBP Sun 30 Apr 2017 - 22:19

    mac wrote:I still say 'Grumpy' and your so-called knowledge isn't anywhere as vast as you'd like us to believe.

     Your pattern of attendance and m.o. here is well established and readily visible.  You take a break from visiting but probably get bored with whatever else you do elsewhere so you return to take a pop here at anything you can find.

    Next you'll disappear after some interchanges when you've run out of things to say.   lol

    Well my knowledge limit has yet to be tested on here.
    I answer every question, I back up everything I say.

    Where as you and Cathy just ignore questions, refuse to prove a single thing you claim and so on.

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