Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

4 posters

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication


    Posts : 1

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by RCDforum Mon 24 Jun 2019 - 0:26

    Hi everyone. I am looking to connect with a loved one who has passed, named Chris. I still love him dearly and believe he has contacted me on a psychic level, but I am looking for some type of external confirmation, so that I can know for sure he is still here with me, and that my experiences have been real. Some bit of communication or sign that could not possibly come from my imagination or wishful thinking. I don't mean to doubt, but grief can get in the way sometimes. Sad

    So, in a way, I come here looking for hope... answers... reassurance... but most specifically, confirmation.

    Anyone who could possibly connect with Chris on the other side and relay that message or sign from him which would give me that external confirmation is very welcome to reply here. I would be so grateful for that bit of help, thank you. If you receive something but are unsure of it, please just post it anyways - I will thoughtfully consider whatever comes through. It may help more than you know. Thank you again in advance.

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by Candlelight.kk Wed 26 Jun 2019 - 20:47

    Hi RCDforum,  Welcome 

    I am not sure that the "answers" or "confirmation" you are looking for are to be found on an internet forum such as this.  It would seem that you are looking for some kind of reading, where someone might give you some detailed confirmation of whatever it is that happened to make you believe that Chris has contacted you "on a psychic level".(?)  Would this have been a one-off specific event? or has there been more than one occasion to make you wonder?  Did this occasion, or occasions entail some form of tangible, material occurence, perhaps unusual and uniquely relevant to Chris?  You could always send out a thought to him (or even better - speak out loud, if you're on your own!) - and ask 'Was that you when such-and-such happened?  If so, can you do it again to convince me, or do something else specific, give me some sort of confirmation ..." etc.  It's not such an easy thing for spirit to make direct contact with those still living on a one-to-one basis (hence the general need for a medium, a helping hand through which they can make their presence known and get their message delivered through), so it really helps them when the person they are trying to communicate with acknowledges that cntact - and it actually makes it easier for them to then strengthen that contact.

    If you live in an area where you have easy access to a Spiritualist church or centre where walk-in demonstrations of clairvoyance / platform mediumship are held, it might be worth your while to go and sit in the audience of one or two of these sessions. 

    I do hope you get the confirmation you are seeking, and if/when that happens, I hope you'll come and let us know.

    Posts : 441

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by Misty Wed 3 Jul 2019 - 11:23

    It's not such an easy thing for spirit to make direct contact with those still living on a one-to-one basis (hence the general need for a medium, a helping hand through which they can make their presence known and get their message delivered through), so it really helps them when the person they are trying to communicate with acknowledges that cntact - and it actually makes it easier for them to then strengthen that contact.

    That is a comforting thought.  flower

    At the spiritulist church I went to the visiting medium that evening , Janet something, I forget her surname  confused it was over a year ago, but I remember her saying before she started with the demonstration if I come to any of you  with a message from a loved one please acknowledge them and speak out loud because your voice really helps with the connection.  Nodding or shaking your head is not much use.

    Posts : 441

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by Misty Wed 3 Jul 2019 - 12:05

    I am sorry for your loss.  I am not a medium but I have heard it said that your sadness and grief over a long time can hinder any communication with your loved ones who have passed. You dont say how long it has been since Chris passed.  Try if you can to think of some loving happy thoughts and memories of him before you go to sleep, not sad ones. Ask him a question that only he would know the answer to and you might be surprised to get a dream visit from him with the answer to that very question. When you are sleeping your mind is at rest and daily distractions and grief dont get in the way and it can be easier for them who have passed over to connect with your sleeping mind in a dream.  You will know if its a dream visit because it will feel so real and clear and if you have asked him a question before you go to sleep if he answers that question you will wake up at the very moment of his answer and no way will you forget it.

    Posts : 932
    Location : east midlands of England

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by mac Wed 3 Jul 2019 - 17:39

    I'm guessing the thread starter is over the hills and far away.....  There are (at least) three websites where the same query has been posted without anything further having been heard from the author.

    Tyre kicking.....????  Rolling Eyes

    Posts : 3295
    Location : London

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by Candlelight.kk Thu 4 Jul 2019 - 0:07

    mac wrote:I'm guessing the thread starter is over the hills and far away.....  There are (at least) three websites where the same query has been posted without anything further having been heard from the author.

    Tyre kicking.....????  Rolling Eyes

    I don't understand why people do that - join a forum (or multiple forums), make one post and then that's the last you hear from them.

    Oh well, hopefully the OP will at least check back at some stage, if only out of curiosity to see whether their initial query has been replied to.

    Misty has given some good advice here, which I would second, (I know from my own experience that it does work ...) and hope the OP might at least give it a try and come back here with the result (if any).  It's good to share, and we can all learn from each other through discussions such as these.

    Posts : 932
    Location : east midlands of England

    Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication Empty Re: Mediumship / Spirit Guide Communication

    Post by mac Thu 4 Jul 2019 - 8:22

    We'll see in due course if there's a return visit....

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