Waller is a man in his 60s from Florida who has trolled people in the field of physical mediumship for years. He was banned by Robin Foy from Physical Mediumship 4 U and Jim Warwood banned Waller from the spiritualismlink forum after he created many abusive accounts. He has pretended to be a believer in mediumship and at times also a skeptic, it is hard to pin-down his exact position. When Waller falls out with people he usually impersonates them or steals their photographs.
"Waller Joel" is not his real name. He has also used the name Tyler Snotgern, MU, Frank Camper, Lars, Pssst and many others.
It has been confirmed that Waller did attend séances with David Thompson a few years ago, but Thompson now wants nothing to do with Waller.
Waller also attended séances with Kevin Lee. I am not sure what his relationship with Lee now is. I heard Waller has been banned from several spiritualist churches in Florida. Kevin Lee, David Thompson and Kai Muegge have met Waller in the past, but they do not have a photograph of Waller and claim not to know anything about him now.
Waller uploaded several fake photographs of himself on the internet, he also lied about his background, he never worked with the CIA or remote viewing experiments or has met half the people he claims to have met. He was banned from the Roberta Grimes podcast. He has also been banned from the Skeptiko forum and several others.
I started this thread for anyone to come forward with any evidence to who Waller Joel might be. As of 2017 Waller he now advertising the séances of Warren Caylor in Florida.
I am yet to contact Caylor, but does anyone else have any information? Thank you.