Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

    Matthew Manning - Healer


    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Matthew Manning - Healer Empty Matthew Manning - Healer

    Post by Candlelight.kk Fri 5 May 2017 - 12:28

    (originally posted on 01 Oct 2011)

    Matthew Manning was born On August the 17th, 1955, in Shelford Cambridge England. His early life was remarkably normal, until he reached the age of eleven when something odd began to happen around him. The first strange event that happened occurred when small objects started to move from one place to another in the house. At first the family thought it was someone having a joke, and didn't take a lot of notice. But over the following weeks, the strange occurrences became more frequent. Knocking was heard all over the house, and when the family investigated it, they could not find the source of the noise. The incidents stopped for a while, but after about a year, they came back with a vengeance. Chairs and tables moved without anybody being near them, childish scribbling started to appear on the walls, and even stranger, on the ceiling where no one could reach them. Matthews father believed in Poltergeists and at one stage went down to the police station and reported it!. What he thought He could do, I have no idea! But luckily there was a policeman who believed him and got him in touch with a Professor George Owen who was a genetic specialist. He was also interested in the Paranormal, and gave Matthew advice on how to deal with it. Eventually Matthew went off to boarding school and this is when the main trouble started. He hadn't been there long when the poltergeist activity started again. Beds were moved, chairs flew about the room, and knives, nails and electric light bulbs were sent flying through the air. The strangest thing was the puddles of water that would manifest themselves on the floor, when nobody had been in the room, and if that wasn't bad enough, showers of pebbles fell down from out of the ceiling, as if they had just materialised out of the air. Matthew was as confused as everybody else. Eventually he was asked to leave the school by the headmaster, as he was disrupting the class. The pupils and the teachers were aware that he did not actually cause these things to happen himself, because there were plenty of witnesses, but they did not know how to handle it. Just as Matthew was about to leave, the Headmaster called him back and said he could stay. The headmaster was afraid that, if Matthew went home, the newspapers would get hold of the story, and his school would be under scrutiny and nobody wanted that to happen. So everybody thought it was best if he stayed where they could see him, and try and keep the trouble to a minimum. One day Matthew was writing an essay and suddenly he felt his hand moving on its own. After a while of scribbling something on the paper, he realised that he was doing automatic writing. And more importantly, the poltergeist phenomena had slowed down. He thought that maybe this was a way of channeling his energy.

    This was the beginning of his life's journey.

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    Matthew Manning - Healer Empty Re: Matthew Manning - Healer

    Post by Candlelight.kk Fri 5 May 2017 - 12:30

    An interview with Matthew Manning, Healer

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