Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

6 posters

    my mum


    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:28

    (originally posted on 24 May 2008)

    could i aks for healing for my mum, muriel. she was told last week after going for tests that somewhere in the past 2-3 years she has had a mild heart attack. my mum Icon_eek my mum Icon_eek my mum Icon_eek. bit of a shock as she had no idea. she went to her gp after some pursuasion as she had been experiencing some pain and difficulties on exertion.she had a triple bypass 7 years back which was very successful. she is to have more tests to find how extensive the damage is to her left ventricle.she is 67 and has had a run of ill health over the last few years and i would really appreciate any healing for her. thanks, luv lynne

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by Candlelight.kk Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:29

    Gosh, Lynne, that must've been quite a shock for your mum. Although I believe it's much more common than you would think for people to actually suffer mild heart attack (or mini stroke) without even knowing themselves. One of the reasons I think that everyone ought really to have regular overall check-ups with their GPs, just like we would MoT a car, and that way any underlying problems can be monitored and kept in check before they get to a serious stage. It's good that your mum's being checked over now, and hopefully they will be able to stabilise anything that's not quite as it should be.

    Will definitely keep mum in mind for the HHH.

    Love, Candlelight xxx

    Posts : 49
    Location : london

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by spiritlinker Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:31

    How worrying for you Lynn. My thoughts are with you, and I will add your mum to my list at the 10pm healing hour.

    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:34

    thanks candlelight and spiritlinker. it is quite common i believe which is a relief in a way. i do agree that having found this she has such an advantage. speaking of the HHH i start it most night, imagining healing energy in a ball and thinking of the people it is intended for and find i fall asleep. feel a bit useless, any tips.

    Posts : 520
    Location : Scotland

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by Feather Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:37

    Sorry to learn about your Mum, Lynne. I have no doubts that she will be given all that she needs to put things right.
    I am thinking of you both. Love, Feather.

    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:41

    thanks feather, she has been so worried about me the last 15 months, now its my turn. thanks for your support luv lynne

    Posts : 355

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lar-lar Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:43

    Yes,it is more common than we think,someone i know had a couple without knowing and was fine for many years after.Then only a month ago my friends brother had a slight pain,went for check up and he had had a mild one-aged 44!Got him to give up smoking though!

    Thinking of your mum lynne.xx

    Posts : 61

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by elly Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:44

    oh lynne i really hope she is ok ,love and best wishes to you and your mum

    Posts : 3299
    Location : London

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by Candlelight.kk Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:46

    lynneandjohn wrote:thanks candlelight and spiritlinker. it is quite common i believe which is a relief in a way. i do agree that having found this she has such an advantage. speaking of the HHH i start it most night, imagining healing energy in a ball and thinking of the people it is intended for and find i fall asleep. feel a bit useless, any tips.

    Hi Lynne,  The fact that you fall asleep I don't think means that you should feel in any way useless.  I do believe your initial thought in itself goes a long way, whichever way you decide to join in the healing energies, and if you have sent that thought out it's still working while you're asleep, in fact probably even more so.  I have seen on the psychic barber forum for instance where someone does it that way, imagining a ball of healing energy being sent out - and where the recipient has actually been able to see this ball of energy/light and feel the effect.  Another will imagine the person being filled with a white healing light circulating through their body and pushing through any blockages.  There are many other ways also and the one that is most comfortable for you is the one that will have the most effect.

    As I light the my candle I'm concentrating on everyone that's on our list here and also the psychic barber list, but I also include in my mind all those that are on for instance other lists throughout the churches and other healing centres - and extend that then to anyone else who might be in need of healing but may not be included on a list anywhere.  Sometimes I'm too tired to sit and meditate for the whole half hour, or I might be involved in something that means I can't get to light the candle in which case I send out that thought to spirit in my mind, saying that even though I'm not physically doing so the thought is there and I'm partaking in it.  I know that thought is listened to.  I've actually tested spirit in a way when the candle has been lit and 'asked' in my mind to give me a sign that what we are doing is working.  The flame has either raised high up or swayed wildly from side to side.  I've done this many times in order to check that it's not just a draught or my imagination or something like that, and each time there is a definite response.  The last time I did this "test", I got the response a few times, but still asked again (saying I just need to be absolutely sure) and this time the flame didn't change at all - BUT the ceiling light went out for a second and back on again!  I quickly apologised for doubting, and will not test again.  That's enough evidence for me!

    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:53

    thanks candlelight, i must admit i avoid lighting any candles with me falling asleep my mum Icon_redface but like yourself think of people on the list, people i have heard about through others and all those suffering in any shape or form. i find it easier to imagine the ball somehow and will continue knowing all is not lost. just imagine if everyone in the whole world sent out healing at the same moment to everyone needing it. how wonderful that would be.

    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:56

    thanks elly, she is waiting for further tests to find out how much damage there is but otherwise she is fine. you would never guess other than the pains now and again. having said that i know all too well how we can just have no idea whats going on in our ignorance so will be keeping a close eye on her. p.s so glad nicola is much better. luv lynne

    Posts : 61

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by elly Fri 5 May 2017 - 19:59

    thanks lynne she is doing ok ..
    my mother in law is the same can't keep her down so not happy she is in a wheelchair still,but it's best for her at the moment hope it's good news and not too much damage

    Posts : 177

    my mum Empty Re: my mum

    Post by lynneandjohn Fri 5 May 2017 - 20:01

    developing a few grey hairs lately. you never stop worrying really do you. my mum Icon_confused must keep smiling though my mum Icon_biggrin

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