Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

2 posters

    How much of this is mine?


    Posts : 3298
    Location : London

    Food for thought How much of this is mine?

    Post by Candlelight.kk Fri 15 Jul 2022 - 15:51

    "The collective energy generated from the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of the almost six billion people on this planet creates an atmosphere or 'consciousness climate.' Surrounding us like the air we breathe, this consciousness climate affects us most strongly on energetic and emotional levels."
    -- Doc Childre and Howard Martin

    Feeling angry, sad or anxious? You might ask, "How much of this is mine?"

    Those of us who are sensitive sometimes pick up on emotional, mental or physical energy in the environment. It feels like ours - we really do feel the emotions or physical or mental symptoms. But really, we are processing 'generic' energies that belong to others or to humanity as a whole.

    Opening to the possibility that our experiences may not be completely ours helps us detach from them. When we don't completely identify with our thoughts and feeling

    "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear ... as it is, infinite."
    -- William Blake

    Posts : 932
    Location : east midlands of England

    Food for thought Re: How much of this is mine?

    Post by mac Sat 16 Jul 2022 - 19:14

    Perhaps, then, this vastly overcrowded - by historical comparison - planet might be considered no longer fit-for-purpose?  The global population quoted in the piece mentions 6 billion but it appears significantly more than that now with every prospect of 9 billion by 2050.  (I've read.)  Things can only get tougher as more and more enter this dimension's heavy atmosphere.

    With so many individuals and so may in difficult circumstances I'd guess it's getting harder for sensitives to avoid picking up the emotions in the way mentioned from so many people around them.  When this world had a much smaller global population that might not have been an issue but was that a generally beneficial situation, one might ask? 

    As life incarnate is intended to develop us spiritually, (we're taught) and hardship is said to bring spiritual gains, might this world now be better fulfilling its design brief?

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