Light After Life

Exploring the mysteries of our existence: Life, Death and Beyond. Afterlife, Mediumship, Spiritualism ~ Death is not the end; I am but waiting for you for an interval ...

    Psychic News - May 2022 issue


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    Location : London

    Psychic News - May 2022 issue Empty Psychic News - May 2022 issue

    Post by Candlelight.kk Thu 28 Apr 2022 - 22:56

    Psychic News - May 2022 issue
    Psychic News - May 2022 issue Cover145-May-2022-FRONTPAGE

    Inside the May 2022 of Psychic News Magazine:

    • Ellen Evert Hopman suggests wonderful ways to mark events such as Beltaine and the changing seasons in our cover feature “Have festive fun and celebrate the seasons.
    • Debbie Munro reveals some unexpected spiritual benefits of spinning and knitting in “Finding meditative moments in ancient crafts.”
    • In “Identifying your soul plan,” healer and medium Debra Kilby explores how souls choose their parents.
    • The feature “Near-death experiences are out of this world” shares first-hand accounts from those who left their bodies and what they encountered.
    • Master hand analyst Brent Bruning explains how palmistry can reveal a blueprint of one’s life and much more in “The power of hand analysis.”
    • Graham Jennings features two unusual mediums and the claim that an American gangster haunted a British criminal “Spirit voices were heard from 1,000 miles.”
    • Lionel and Maria Owen join the debate about the part chance plays in our lives in “Ostrich feather denotes ‘dead’ brother’s presence.”
    • Cheshire psychic Claire Stone believes that the moon can improve one’s health and wealth in “Looking on the bright side with moon worship.”
    • We also pay tribute to four spiritual people who have recently passed to the Spirit World: Eastenders’ actor June Brown and mediums Billy Roberts, Peter Close and Keith Hudson.


    • Alicia has the key to inner beauty – singer Alicia Keys’ self-care products soothe both body and soul.
    •  Hotel tells guests to beware of pushy ghosts – guests report apparitional antics when staying at a hotel in Liverpool.
    • ‘I was once my great-great-grandmother’ says toddler – a child remembers her previous life as a “dead” relative.
    • Mysterious ‘Men in Black’ follow up UFO encounter – Government officials are believed to be secretly collecting data about alien encounters.
    • Famous paranormal library faces uncertain future – one of the world’s largest libraries of paranormal material must find a new home or risk being broken up.
    • Resident is asked to sign disclaimer to live on haunted street – a seemingly ordinary street is reputedly so haunted that a new resident had to sign a waiver before moving in.

    And much, much more.
    Download your copy now at:

      Current date/time is Fri 18 Oct 2024 - 11:14